♡Chapter 13♡

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*a few minutes later* Broccoli by dram comes on. Wes and I start dancing "Hey lil mama would you like to be my sunshine." He mouths to me. He grabs my hands and puts them up as we step side to side.
  About halfway through the song Christian comes and whispers something in Wes' ear. He nods and steps closer to me. "I'm gonna go outside for a few minutes. My phone will be on, alright?" He says in my ear. I nod and he squeezes my hand before walking out the apartment door. I walk around to try and find Tina but I dont see her so I decide to sit on the couch. I grab a lite beer and go on my phone.
  After a while some guy sits beside me. "Helloooo." He says with a smirk. The sting of alcohal lingers on his breath. I slightly smile politely and scouch away trying not to look at him. He keeps trying to move closer and touch me but I push his hand away. I see Joey walk by so I take my chance to get out. "Hey! Joey!" I say standing up. "Hey Evey! You alright?" He asks grabbing my arms to help me stand up. "Um ya. I-i'm fine." I say brushing myself off. He ferrows his eyebrows. "Where's Wesley?" He asks. "He went outside or something." I say. "Ahh." He nods. "Well I'll see you around." He says patting my arm. "Seeya Joey." I say as he waves and walk away. I spot Tina and walk over to her. We start dancing. I get a text from Wes. "U alright?" I says. "Ya im fine." I answer.

  After about an hour, I realize that the party is filled with a bunch of drunk strangers. People bumping into eachother and mixing around. I'm pretty small so I start getting lost in the crowd. "Excuse me." I say trying to squeeze trough people. I start feeling really closterphobic and hot so I try to get to the door.

  After a minor panic attack and a minor breakdown, I finally get to the door. It was very overwhelming so I start crying. I look ridiculous just standing outside of an apartment crying so I put my big girl pants on, hold back my tears and walk to the elevator. I click lobby and wait for it to go down.

  I get to the lobby and walk out the front door to see Wes sitting on a wall with a vape, Christian riding around on a Penny Board and Cody on his phone. I walk over to Wes and he looks at me with consern. He immediatly hops off the wall. "Hey you alright. He says putting his hand on my cheek. "Um ya. C-can we go home please." I say. He nods. "I'll see you later guys. Tell Tina I say thanks for the party." He says as we walk to the car. I get in the passenger seat and start crying. "Baby what happend." He asks lifting up my chin with worry in his eyes. "Sorry. I just was really overwhlemmed and had a bit of a freakout but Im okay. I just really wanna go home." I say. "Okay." He whispers and kisses my forehead. He puts his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me into his chests. He sighs. We pull away. He starts the car and we drive home.

Im Yours -wesley tucker fanfic ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora