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  Soon enough, we get to the mall. It's not as full as I expected. A huge wave a relief pours over me. Wes slings his arm around me. I look at him as he ruffles his haur and strokes his fingeers through it. "What?" He asks looking at me smiling. "You're kinda cute." I say. "Kinda?" He asks with a smirk. "Very cute." I say. "Much better." He laughs. We continue walking. Wes let's go of me and walks behind with Dakota. I go in between Enya and Tina. "Saphora first?" Enya asks. "Ya. Sure" Tina says. I nod. We walk into. Saphora with Dakota and Wes trailing behind. We go in and there's a lot of people in it. I take a deep breath, and go to the eyeshadow palettes with Enya. We look at the naked palettes. "Hmm. I dont know which one to get. Naked 3 or naked 5?" She asks holding them up. I look at them both, trying to match each color to here complection. "Hmm," I say tapping my chin "I feel like Naked 5 colors would look good on you." I say. "Mee too." She says, putting the eyeshadow palette in her Saphora bag.

  We look around for a bit and go up to the cashier with our stuff. Put my stuff on the counter and the lady rings it up. "$107.64 please." She say. I pay with my debet card, grab my stuff, and walk out to Dakota and Wes who are waiting outside. "What'd you get?" Wes asks as he stands up. I open my bag and look inside. "Uhh, eyeliner, a beauty blender, matte lipstich and a highliter/bronzer palette." I finish looking up at Wes still looking im the bag. "How much?" He asks. "107$" I say. "What the hell?!" He says with wide eyes. I giggle. "I treated myself." I say skipping off with a smirk on my face. "You're too funny" he says running up behind me. He grabs me by the waist and twirls me around. I laugh. "Where too next." He says, wrapping his arms around my neck and woddleing behind me. "Hot topic." I say. "Leggo." He says running ahead. We all follow behind.
Another shorty. Srry. Luv u tho😍😙

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