♡Chapter 14♡

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As we're driving home I start thinking. Alot. Just about how Wes is so amazing to me and how terrible of a girlfriend I must be. He does so much for me. A tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away before he can see. He looks at me. "Im gonna cheer you up." He says cheerfully with a grin on his face. "Wes you dont have to do that." I say. He turns on the radio as we pull into the driveway. He begins to dance and sing. Im really not in the mood so I cover my face. "C'mon." Wes says poking my side. I look at him with complete saddness takingover my face. He turns off the music. "Come here." He says climbing in the back seat. I climb in behind him and sit on his lap and he rubs my back. He kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear. "Whats up." He asks. I shake my head. "Why do you love me." I ask sitting up. "Why do I love you?!" He asks in complete shock. I nod. "Im an awful person and terrible girlfriend." I say laying back down. "Well for one that's the biggest lie youve ever told." He says with a chuckles. "Youre a freakin amazing person, my girlfriend or not. You are so kind hearted and loving and youre just, so, beautiful as a person!" He says. I shake my head. I start to cry again for no reason. Its just one of those nights. "Shhh. Alright." He whispers holding me tighter. I just feel so shitty about myself. I just wanna lay in his arms and cry. "Lets go inside huh." He says rubbing my back. I nod sheepishly. He opens the door and gets out. I crawl out and he turs around with his arms out behind him. I jump onto his back and he closes the door. I burry my face in his neck as we walk inside.

  We walk in and Wes punches in the code. "Awww. What a good man." A lady walking out says. I cant see Wes' reaction because my face is still burried in his neck. He pushes the elevator button and we walk in. "Just having one of those nights." He asks. I nod. "Awww. I know baby." He says putting his head on mine.

  We get to the apartment and walk in. "Maybe you should have a bubble bath. I'll run the water." He says placing me on the bed and walking into the bathroom. I burry my face in the pillow. I just feel miserable. Wes starts the bath and walks back out. "Hi pumpkin." He says laying on me. "Mmm." I groan turning my head out of the pillow. I sigh. "I feel you girl." He say a smirk. I smile. "Theres that beautiful smile!" He says with a huge grin. "Bath should be ready. Be right back." He says getting up and running into the bathroom. He turns of the water and splashes it around as he adds more soap. "Alriiiigghht." He says as he walks back out to get me. He grabs my hands and pulls me up. He takes off my shirt and pants. "C'mon." He says as he walks me into the bathroom. He removes the rest off my clothes and helps me into the bath. I look at him with his sleaves rolled up. "Sorry I made youre night suck." I frown. He neals down next to the bath. "You didn't make my night suck. You know I thought I was gonna get some tonight but-" he jokes. I laugh and playfully hit his shoulder. "Shut up." I laugh. He smiles. "Well I'll leave you alone now. Call me if you need anything." He says kissing my nose and stands up. "Wes." I say as he begins to walk out. He turns around. "Thank you." I say genuinly. "Always." He says. He walks out and closes the door behind him. He hear him plop onto the bed.

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