♡Chapter 22♡

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*few hours later*
"Y'all its getting dark. Lets go home." Dakota says. After a successful day of shopping we all agree. I walk infront with Dakota and Wes walks with Tina and Enya. "So how are you and Wes" Dakota asks. "We're good. He treats me way better than I deserve." I say looking at my feet. "What are you talking about you deserve everything." Dakota says giving me a side hug as we walk. I look behind me and see Enya yelling at Wes and I laugh. "Bye!" She says pushing him away. He pouts. "Anyways...." she continues talking to Tina. He looks at me and I fave pout. "Come baby." I say opening my arms. He hugs me and rests his chin on my head since Im so much shorter than him. "Step on my feet." He says grabbing my hands from around his waist. I step on his feet and he starts walking. I wrap my arms tightly around his waist. He giggles. We woddle down the street to until we reach the light. I step off and turn to face foward. He wraps his arms around my shoulders. "Your hair smells good." He laughs. I laugh at him. "It does!" He says. I poke him. "Hey!" He laughs. I poke him again. "Stooop!" He laughs again. I look up at him as his bright green eyes, slightly skwinted from laughing, meet mine. He's smile is brighter than a thousand suns. "Please never lose that smile. Uts all I need." I mumble. "Youre the one who puts it on my face." He says rubbing my cheek with his thumb. He smile slowly fades. He leans done and his soft pink lips meet mine. "Hehe." He laugs. The light changes and he grabs my hand. We cross.

*at the train station*

We all stand on the platform by the tracks waiting for the train. I start shivering. "Awww. Youre so cute when you shiver." He says wrapping his arms arounf me rubbing his hands up and done my back. I burry my face in his sweater.

The train finally arrives and its pretty full there are only three seats together and one empty seat beside a beautiful blonde girl. I bit across from them. "Me, Dakota, Tina and Enya sit in the three seats and Wes sits in the one across. Tina gives me a conserned look. I nod to her as to say 'its ok' and the train starts moving. I pull out my phone and turn on my data. I decide to go on twitter. I look up from my phone and see this girl looking at Wes. He peeks up at her and smiles. I can feel my throat sink to my stomach. I brush it off and go back on my phone.

A few minutes later I look back up and see them in deep conversation. Him staring into her oceany deep blue eyes and her staring into his bright emmrald green ones. "Ev. You okay?" Tina asks. "Um..ya. Ya im fine." I say fircing a friendly smile on my face. Once again i go back on my phone.

  Our station us next. I look up from my phone and see Wes with her phone and her with Wes' phone. Theyre both typing. After hitting enter, they both give eachithers phones back. I have no probleme wuth Wes having female friends but just the way he looked at her so deeply made ne weak to my knees. It made my heart fall into my stomach just thinking about this one.

  We get to our station and get off the train. My fave is all flusstered. "You okay?" Wes asks poking me. I nod not looking at him. He grabs my hand and i let him.

  We get to the car and Dakota jumps in the drivers seat this time. "Shoty!!" Enya yells and gets in the front seat. Wes gets in on the right side, i get in in the middle and Tina gets in on the left. Dakota starts the car and we get going. "Y'all im tired." Enya says putting her head on the door. "Me too." Tina says. "Yall can sleep at our house if you want." Wes says. "Ya be have mattresses." I say. I see Wes laugh as he looks at his phone. He begins to text someone. "You and I in our bed, Tina and Enya on the blow up mattress and Dakota on the couch?" I ask Wes. "Huh? Uh...ya that good." He says not looking up from his phone. I look at Tina and she shrugs. I play with my fingers nervously. "Wes who are you uh... talking to?" I ask. He doesnt look up or answer. "Wes!" Tina yells. "What the fuck! What!?" He asks finally looking up. I sallow hard trying not to cry because i know who hes texting. "Anne-Marrie...shes a friend." He says. Eyes locking back on the phone. "A friend?" I ask. "From the train." He says laughing at his phone and replying to whatever she said which was apperantly so funny. He never gets like this. I shut up and just watch for the rest of the ride.

(a/n) srry this took so long. Writters block....and im lazy asf. Make sure to comment any suggestions. Stay alive♡

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