♡Chapter 3♡

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I finish getting ready and go downstairs. Wes is waiting in the kitchen wearing sunglasses with keys in his hand. "Let's go" I say grabbing my backpack and skipping out the door. He follows and locks the door behind him. I get in the passenger seat of his ferrari and he get's on the driver side. He starts the car. "Wooooo!" he says excitedly. "What?" I ask. "She sounds just as nice as when I left her." He says rubbing the dash board. I roll my eyes. "What's so funny." He says gridding his teeth playfully and tickling me. I just laugh. He sits back. "And so do you." He says grabbing my hand and smiling at me. He pulls out of the driveway.

  I plug the aux cord into my phone and blast my music. We both sing. "Baby I can see your halo, I pray it wont fade away!" We sing. Wes grabs my hand and kisses it. I start laughing. I dont know why but I just do. It's just when I'm around him, all my happiness builds up inside. Wes looks at me with a smile. "What?" He asks. "Sorry." I say in between laughs. I cover my mouth. "You're so weird." He chuckles.

  We get to the mall and park. We get out of the car and walk inside. We end up going to American Eagle . As soon as we walk in, I notice two girls whispering and pointing at Wes. I nudge him. "Look." I say looking at them. He waves. "Lets go talk to them." He say beginning to walk over. They instantly start freaking out. "Oh my god! I love you so much." One girl say. "Can I give you a hug." She asks. "Of course!" Wes says opening his arms. He gives her a bear hug. "Omg. You are so pretty. Are you guys actually dating. We've been hearing rumors." The other girl asks. "Yup." I say. They screach. "Can we take a picture." She asks Wes. "Definetly." He says. The girl hands me her phone. "Can I kiss your cheek." She says. Wes looks at me and I shrug. "Sure." He says. She kisses his cheek and he gives a cheesy smile. I take the picture. We say goodbye as they leave the store.

  I look through a rack. "Hey." Wes says looking at me. I look up at him. "Thank you." He says. "For what?" I ask looking back at the rack. "For taking all of this so well." He says. I peck his lips. "Thats my job." I say with a suddle smile.

*end of shopping*

We both walk out of the mall. "Wanna grab something to eat." Wesley asks as we walk to the car. "Ya. Im starving." I say. Wesley gets into the car. I walk around and put the bags in the trunk. I walk back to my to the door. I get in but slam the door on my ring finger and midle finger. I scream in pain. "What happend!" Wes asks in a panic. I dont respond. I grab my hand. "Lemme see." He says trying to pull on my arm. It hurts so bad. "No! Dont touch me!" I say. He jumps back. "Evey let me help you!!" He yells. I look up at him with only my eyes. "Let me help you." He whispers. I slowly bring up my hand, throbbing in pain. "Oww shit." I say grinding my theeth together. Something dosent feel right. I bring my hand into his. My two fingers are all bruised and crooked. "We need to go to the hospital." He says, quickly putting the keys in. We speed off.

  We drive for awhile in slience as I examen my fingers. Wes looks at me. "Are you ok." He asks. "I will be." I say. He nods and continus driving. "Im sorry for yelling at you." I say sheepishly. "Its alright, I get it. You were in pain." He says. I look down at my feet. "I love you." He says playfully. I look up. "I know." I respond.


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