♡Chapter 12♡

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  After waiting a while for Wes he finally comes down. "Ready?" I ask. "Always." He says kissing my cheek and walking out the door. I grab the keys and lovk the door as Wes gets in the driver seat. I get in the passenger and give him the keys. He starts th car and we drive off.

  "Eveyyy." Wes complains. "Yeesss." I answer cheekily. "I want to cuddle." Wes whines. "Well we're going to the party so we'll cuddle on the couch since we'll be early." I say poking his nose. He grins. "You're so funny." I giggle at his weirdness. He sticks his tongue out.

  We get to Tina's apartment at 7:47 (early). I knock on the door and she opens is. "Hi!" She squeels and hugs me. I walk inside. "Wes!" She says giving him a bear hug. "Hey Tina." He says with his eyes closed. "You guys are the first ones. Make yourselves at home. Ill be in the kitchen putting out food" She says closing the apartment door behind Wes. We walk in and sit on the couch. Tina goes into the kitchen as she said. I put my legs over Wes' lap and lay my head on his shoulders. He rubs his hand up and down my waist. "So, the hotel in Bora Bora is an all inclusive and our room and Tina, Dakota and Cody's rooms will be attached." He says tracing the hem of my shirt with his finger. "Woohoo!" Tina chants from in the kitchen. Wes smiles and laughs to himself. I just rest my head on his chest and listen to his heartbreak. He begins to stroke his fingers through my dark hair. I curl my legs up and he pulls them closer to him. He looks around the bright room. "Hey Tina!" He yells. "Ya!" She answers. "Do those speakers work?" He asks. "Ya. They're already plugged into my computer. You can play something if you want." Tina says. I lift my legs off of him and ge goes to the computer. He scrolls through some songs. He eventually stops and looks up at me and smiles. He clicks the song. It's my favorite song to sing with him. Halellujiah. We both begin to sing. Wes starts walking closer to me. I open my arms wide and dramaticly. He comes inches away from my face with a huge grin on his. I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck. He kisses me. I put a hand on his cheek. "Hi." He says with a cheesy smile and his eyes closed. "You're such a goof." I say giggling and pushing him off me. He goes back to the computer and starts playing trap songs, starting with Caroline by Animé.

     After a few minutes people finally start coming in. "Ayyeee!" Wes says as he sees Dakota. They bro hug. "And the knuckle head." Dakota says messing up my hair. "Hey!" I say fixing my hair. Wes smiles and puts his arm around me. The party is finally started.

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