♡Chapter 26♡

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After a while on the bathroom floor we decide to move onto the bed. I curl back up in his lap and he rubs my back. We both lay down and face eachother. "Wanna talk about things." He asks. "What kind of things??" I ask. He grabs my hands and smiles. "Things that make you happy." Ge says smiling. "Well," I begin. "You know wgen you finish everything you have to do and you can just relax." I say. Ge nods, still smiling. "That makes me happy. And when we just have those moments with just the two of us out on the road in the midle of the night. That makes me happy too." I say. He pushes a peice of hair behind my ear. "Mhm." He says. I nod. "Ooo, and when we go to the beach all day then come home and sleep really late." I say. He laughs. "And I gueeessss i have to say you. You are my boyfriend after all and, youre alright kid." I say winking. He pokes me and I laugh. He smiles and starts tickling me I laugh uncontrallably. He jumps ontop of me and tickles me.

  We start to play restle. We both get in our knees on the bed. I try to push him over but he doesnt budge. "Oh you think youre tugh huh?" He says. I laugh. He picks me up and swings me over his shoulder. "Put me down!" I laugh hitting his back. He throws me back down on the bed and sits on my back. "Uuuggghhh i cant breeaatthhee." I groan. He scootches down to my bum. My hair is all in my face. "You give up?" He asks. "Fine, I give up." I say. He gets off and plops himself beside me. He faces me and pushes the hair out of my face. He just stares at me and I stare back. "You make me really happy. Honestly Ev." He says. "You make me happier" i say. He smiles "Not possible." He says sitting up.
"I'll go get some water." He says getting up. "Wait!" I say sitting up. He turns back and kisses me. "Want anything while im down there?" He asks. "Bring up the dvds i wanna see what we have. He smiles. "So its gonna be that kind if day is it." He says. I cheesy smile and nod. "Okay." He laughs and goes downstairs.

A/N: Short chapter but IM ALMOST AT 1K READS!!! thank u guys! Ilysfm ♡

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