♡Chapter 15♡

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After about an hour, I walk get out of the bath and put on my robe. I walk out of the shower to see Wes sprawled out on the bed sleeping. I shake him "Wes." I whisper. He groans. I open my closet door and find pyjamas and put on. I put them on and walk over to Wes whos still sleeping. I take off his jeans so he won't be too hot and put the blanket over him. I go in the bathroom, take out my contacts and go in bed. I turn off the light and feel Wes' arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him. He kisses my cheek. We fall asleep.

*in the morning*

I wake up and my finger is soar. I cant put ice on it cause its still in a cast. I roll around in bed for a while waiting for Wes to get up. His alarm goes off and he immediatly wakes up. He rubs his eyes and turns off his alarm. "Wes." I say sheepishly. He looks at me. "Ya." He says rubbing his eyes again. "My finger hurts." I say. He sticks out his lip. He lifts up my arm and kisses my cast. He holds my hand a rubs it with his thumb. I take my free hand and push his messy hair out of his face. "You look sexy with youre hair pushed back" I say smiling (A/N: mean girls reference). He closes his eyes again peacfully and then opens them. He sits up and hunches over. He dosent move. "You alright." I ask. He nods and yawns. He gets out of bed and walks downstairs. I put on a hoodie and follow him. He turns around and wraps his arms around my shoulders pulling me close to him. He rests his cheek on my head. "Let's have an awesome day today since yesterday sucked." He says with his faced squished on my head. "Yeah." I say. I sigh. "Let's go downtown with Tina, Dakota and Enya." He says. I smile and nod. "Can we see a movie. I really wanna se Sausage Party." I say into his arm. Wes laughs. "Sure." He says kissing my forehead. He lets go and goes to the fridge and grabs bacon and eggs. "Ill text them and ask if they wanna come now so we can all go together." I say plopping myself on the island counter chair. "Alright. Ill cook for 5." Wes says. He puts on the bacon as I text in a groupchat.


Me- hey guys! I was wondering if you guys wanted to come downtown with Wes and I. If you do, you can come over rn so we can all leave together.

Tina- ya sure. Ill be over in 20♡

Enya-YES BITCH! C u soon😋

Me- Yay! See u lovely ladies soon 💞💍Wbu Dakota?

Dakota- I can come a little later. I'll meet you guys at the train station. Xx

Me- no problem. We'll be at the train station at around 12. Xx

I turn off my phone and walk over to Wes. I sit on the counter next to him. He puts his hand on my thigh. "So? Whats happening." He asks flipping the bacon. "Enya is gonna be here any minute and Tina will be here in 20 minutes. Dokata's gonna meet us at the train station." I say. He goes wide eyed. "Shit I better go put some pants on." He laughs and runs upstairs realizing he's still in his underwear. I laugh and cook the eggs.

Im Yours -wesley tucker fanfic ♡Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora