♡Chapter 5♡

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{Wesley's P.O.V.}
We get home and Everleigh is fast asleep. She looks adorable. I get out of the car quietly, trying not to wake her up. I walk to the front door and unlock it. I walk back the the car to her side and gently open the door so I  can hold her head. I craddle her in my arms like a baby and walk her inside. I gently set her on the couch and go back to the car to get her stuff. I lock the car and walk inside. I pick her up again and walk her upstairs to our room. I set her down on the bed under the covers. I rub her head and kiss her forehead. She shifts a little. I go downstairs to get my bags. I unpack them for a while.

*30 mins later*

I decide to take a break so I sit on the bed and turn on the TV to a really low volume. Keeping Up with the Kardashians comes on and a decide to watch it.

Halfway through the episide Everleigh turns over and rubs her eyes. "Good morning sleepy head." I say.

{Everleigh's P.O.V.}
"Good morning." I say grogily. "How long was I asleep for?" I ask. "About 1 hour and a half." He says. I scooch over and put my head on his lap. He plays with my hair. "My hand hurts." I say. "I know baby. We'll get the results soon." He says. We watch TV for a while.

*45 mins later*
"I gotta get up." Wes says. I get off his legs and lay on the pillow. "Where are you going?" I ask him. "To make food. Macorroni sound good?" He asks. I nod. He kisses my forehead and walks downstairs. I get up and go to the bathroom. I use the toilet, wash my hands and look in the mirror. My hair is all messed up. I sigh I take out the elastic with my right hand (good hand). I try to redo it with my right hand only my index finger and thumb on my left hand. Im doing pretty good, but when I go to twist the elastic, I accidentaly him my middle finger. "Oww!" I yell grabbing my hand. "You okay!" Wes yells up from downstairs running up. "Yah. Yah." I say. I try to shake it off. Wes walks in. "You okay?" He asks. "Ya. I hit my finger trying to fix my hair." I say, passing back and forth shaking my hand. Wes grabs my hand and kisses my finger softly. He turns me to face the mirror and stands behind me. He grabs the brush and brushes my hair up into a ponytail. I look at it in the mirror. He kisses my cheeck and walks out. "Dinner is ready!" He says walking down the stairs. I turn off the bathroom light and go downstairs.

Im Yours -wesley tucker fanfic ♡Where stories live. Discover now