Chapter 8 - His Ideal Guy

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Ashley's POV

I walked out of the room when the bell rang. It was the end of third period and I was on my way to the kitchen lab at the home ec department next building. Don't ask me why the subjects are separated by department buildings, but it's a good thing they're all connected by a bridge.

I was rounding a corner and didn't saw that someone was also there, until we bumped into each other. I seriously felt a hard chest and I awaited my fall, but it didn't came. I opened my eyes when I unconsciously closed it on impact and saw that I was being held by a very handsome guy! He had that typical blond hair, his eyes were the greenest of green I've seen. His nose was pointed, but it didn't looked bad on him. He had a prominent jaw and cheekbones and a thin but pink lips! He had that prince charming aura in him that makes him attractive.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I was snapped out of my trance and blushed. I was checking this guy out! Can't I be anymore obvious?! "H-ha?" Nice move, Ashley. It's a really good first impression to make a fool of yourself. "I asked if you're okay?"

Gods, his voice is so deep and masculine. Eep! I think like a perv! "A-ah. Y-yeah. S-sorry if I bumped into you." I stuttered. I fucking stuttered! What the hell? You really did it now, Ash. The guy shook his head and gave me a smile. "No, I should be the one to apologize to you. I didn't know that there was a person there." He said and chuckled in the end.

I think something snapped in me when he said he didn't saw someone. "So you're basically insulting my height is that it?" I asked, crossing my arms against my chest, looking at him with a scowl. Why is everyone taller than me by an inch or so? I'm the shortest guy in my grade. Even the girls are taller than me. The guy's eyes widened at what I said and rapidly shook his head again, raising both his hands in surrender.

"I didn't mean it like that! I apologize for my rudeness." The guy said and my scowl dispersed. Really, this guy is so cute with his white skin complexion. He was obviously blushing, because his cheeks are pink. So adorable!

"Nah, don't sweat it. I'm just teasing you. But I dislike pointing out that I'm short." I explained, dropping my hands on my sides and smiled at him. "Oh, I apologize again. I haven't introduced myself. My name is Leviathan Criston. But you can call me Levi." Levi introduced, holding out his hand.

"I'm Ashley Bennett. Nice to meet you, Levi." I took Levi's hand and shook it. "The pleasure is mine, Ms. Ashley." Levi said with a smile, holding out my hand and kissed the back of my palm. I blushed at the action but then realized that he mistook me for a girl, I narrowed my eyes at him and took my hand from his hold.

"I am not a girl." I said in a cold tone of voice. Levi's eyes widened yet again and looked at me closely from head to toe and back. "Oh no. I'm really sorry for mistaking you as a girl. You really look like one." He explained, making me roll my eyes at that, but didn't say anything else.

"Yeah, whatever." I only said and waved my hand to dismiss the topic. "So, you a transfer student here?" I asked Levi and he nodded, his shoulders tensed. I wonder if he's tensed because of me? Was I too harsh on him? I mean, we just basically met. "Oh? What grade are you?"

"I am a senior and I was on my way to my next class." Levi said and at the mention of next class, the warning bell rang. My eyes widened at the realization and I ran past Levi, shouting a 'see you' before increasing my pace until I was past the bridge and on the home ec building. Damn it, I'm gonna be late!

I was out of breath by the time I was in front of Mrs. Ferrer's room. I panted, catching my breath before entering the room. All eyes were on me when I entered and I just ignored them as I made my way towards my seat by the window. When I sat down, I took my glasses off and wiped the lens due to the sweat I accumulated while running before putting it back on my eyes.

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