Chapter 4 - Dangerous People

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A/N: Another chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment, loves. Enjoy reading!


Ashley's POV

"I told you, I'm alright. See?" I jumped up and down on my place to prove my point when my three friends fuss over me.

It's been three days since I was discharged and the doctor said at least a week of bed rest but I'm not one for following orders, so I tried to get out of bed as often as I can, but these three just don't get it. My injuries weren't that severe anyways, plus, I only fainted because I saw blood, but I don't think they get it.

Advantages and disadvantages of having overprotected friends.

"We know, Ash. We're just worried. It's not everyday that our friend gets into an "accident"." Angel said, motioning her two index and middle finger to an air quote to emphasize the word 'accident'. I just looked at them and sighed.

"Hey, what's all the ruckus over here?" My sister asked in an annoyed voice when she peaked inside my room. We all turned to her and my friends gave her a confused and skeptical look.

"Who are you?" Danny asked, his eyes giving my sister a once over, same with Angel and Monique. My sister looked at my friends from toe to head and turned to look at me. "You've got a nice bunch of buddies, twerp. Wonder when I can have one of those?" My sister said, ignoring the looks my friends are giving her.

"Guys, stop glaring at my sister suspiciously." I said and my friends all looked at me and I raised my brow at their questioning looks. "You have a sister?" Angel asked and my sister snorted at that, making Angel turned to glare at her.

"I'm just gonna be downstairs if you need me. By the way, there's a good looking guy who's asking for you downstairs. He said he wanted to talk to you so I let him in." My sister said before turning to leave my room. When she was gone, my friends and I looked at each other, wondering who was downstairs and why he wanted to talk to me. "I say, we go downstairs and meet this guy. I have a feeling that something is going to happen." Danny said, concern etched on his handsome face.

We all nodded and walked out of the room. We were climbing down the stairs when we heard laughter coming from the living room, so we hurried down the stairs and when we entered the living room, I have to hold myself back from attacking the said visitor.

I narrowed my eyes at him when they saw us and he stood up. Danny went and put me behind him while the girls were on either side of me. "What are you doing here?" Danny asked venomously. Dustin looked at him before his gaze went to me.

"Hey, hey, what's with the tensed atmosphere? Don't be rude to him. He's also just visiting Ashley." My sister defended and we all glanced at her before turning our eyes back to the guy in front of us.

"You're not the one I came here for, Carter. I want to talk to him." Dustin said, pointing to me and I just stared at him. What would he possibly want to talk to me for? Is it about the incident involving us? I'm not sure and from the glare my friends are giving him, I doubt they'd let us talk. Not that I want to anyways.

"No. He's not talking to you." Angel said from my left and Dustin just gave her a once over before returning his gaze back to me. "If you really want to talk, you can talk now while we're here." Monique said, crossing her arms across her chest. My sister just watched us as we exchange glares and banters from her position beside Dustin.

"I don't want to talk something private with you lot. I'll talk to Ashley if I want." Dustin said in confidence, his eyes never leaving mine. What is with this guy? Seriously. I just sighed. I tapped Danny's back and he looked at me over his shoulder. I gave him a smile to assure him and then I looked at both the girls and gave them also a smile, saying that I can take care of myself.

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