I slowly let go of Micah's hand and walked up to the foot end of the bed. I looked to the figure on the right and got a closer look. It was a woman clearly naked under the sheets. It didn't take a wise person to figure it out. I watched as she snuggled up to the person next to her. His back was facing her but I recognized it as Lucifer by the marker on his shoulder blades and his hair color. I walked around the bed and looked at his sleep figure.

Micah was right. He hasn't changed at all. My heart didn't break this time. I don't know if it's because I was just use to having my heart break by him or it's because I just didn't have a heart. I just felt a hurl of hurt and anger take over me. I just thought of the mini bar and within a blink, I was back in my lobby standing in front the mini bar.

Clyde looked up from his phone and frowned a bit once he saw me. "What's wrong" he asked and I shook my head as I sat down in the stool.

"I honestly didn't want to show-"

"No. It was the right thing" I cut of Micah who was now in the room. I pulled out my phone and Lucifer's contact.

Me: It's over between us. What we had going is not gone and yes this a break up text incase your mind slowed down to comprehend this.

I hit send and placed my phone on the counter.

"I hate this" I mumbled.

"I know. I could feel your anger and hurt radiating off you" Micah mumbled.

My phone beep twice and I looked at it to see he messaged back. Off grid huh?

I opened the message my I felt my blood boiling. It was a picture of the girl kissing Lucifer's cheeks while he was asleep.

Lucifer: He doesn't care about you because he's too busy with me

She had access to his phone. "You've got to be fucking kidding me" I shouted in anger.

"What's wrong" Micah asked behind me. I turned around and showed him the message and picture. 

"She has fucking access to his phone. I can't believe this. After everything we have been through. Matter of fact it's not 'we' it's me. Everything I've been through and it leads up to this piece of shit. You know what the great part is? I can't do nothing about it because he's either going to turn me somehow or just follow me until I give in and I can't stop him. Do you know what it's like to be me right now and be this" I gestured to me being a demon.

I watched as sympathy took it's place on Micah's face. "I want my life back. I want where missions with the guys was like a crazy bond thing and we did fun stuff. Instead all 22 of them with dealing with my run ins. We always run into some type of problem now and it's just stupid. What am I supposed to do" I shouted.

Micah just gave a small smile, "Just be who you really are. I know this must be a lot for you to take in but in order for you to get through this, it mean to be yourself. Coping with this is hard enough, especially when you force yourself to be strong. You're really an amazing person and I agree Father was wrong for doing this to you but there's no changing. The only thing you can change is who you choose to be" he stated.

I looked around the room to see Clyde was no longer here. "I asked him to give us some privacy" Micah stated.

I turned to him and nodded. "So be the old me" I questioned.

He nodded his head. "The old me would cry right now" I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat.

He didn't say a word. Instead he just walked up to me and hugged me and that when the floodgates opened. I honestly don't know how long I cried for but Micah was just comforting me the whole time. We were now in my room and I was sitting on my bed with Micah sitting in front of me.

"Do you feel a little better now" he asked with a small smile and I slowly nodded.

"See, everyone needs to cry a bit sometimes" he stated.

"Why do I keep going back to him" I randomly asked.

"The two of you are like soul mate. I know it's complicated and I'm not trying to defend him but he's just...how do I say this nicely" he paused for a few then continued, "It's in his nature to be like this. I mean not the sleeping with other people. I mean like being rude and demanding. When he's around you, he much more nice but without you he kind of snaps. You're basically the key to his heart" Micah tried to explained.

"What a great day for Skylar Marran" I mumbled.

"Hey, it could be worst" he stated and my eyebrow rose. "How so?"

"Well, there could be a zombie apocalypse and you're the only one left alive" he joked.

"I honestly would take that offer rather than this" I stated.

A familiar scent filled the house and I looked towards my bedroom door to see Axel entering. He looked over to me then at Micah then back at me.

"Hey brother" Micah greeted him.

Axel nodded towards him, "Sup".

"How come you guys are so casual with each other" I asked looking at both of them. They just shrugged like it was nothing.

"So how come you're here" Axel asked him while taking a spot on my bed.

"To watch over Sky" he stated.

"Right.." Axel spoke as if he was remembering something.

"So what's up" I asked Axel. "Nothing much. Just decided to drop in and check up on you" he smiled causing me to smile.


"No problem Sunshine" he replied.

I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. We just stayed on the bed in comfortable silence and somehow it was oddly satisfying. No one moved or said anything. It was like we were all lost in our own little problems.

Later on, Axel left and the guys returned with Benny. I decided Micah should officially meet the guys since he would be around more often and it wouldn't be weird or awkward. I sat in my bedroom and listened to Micah explain to the guys how he has to watch over me and all the extra stuff from the lobby.

I laid on my bed restless like the night before. No sleep. Just thoughts and question with no answers. What type of world do I live in? 

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now