58.) College?!

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Thanks for 400 !!!!

Y/n pov
Me and Max had talked for a while , I have decided to go to college to help me with my cinematography, Max thought it was a good idea, I bought all the books and signed for classes . I was sort of excited but nervous , even though I was staying home with Max . I would just drive back and fourth from campus to Bellevue . I had threw my backpack in my car and Max hopped in the passenger side . I asked Siri for directions since I never been to that area . I was excited but again nervous Max noticed and grabbed my hand and said " Don't be nervous you'll do fine and you're a lovable person you'll make friends " I let what he said sink in and I realized  that he was right . I felt relaxed as we got there and signed up for the classes or major if you will . And they gave me a list of classes I need to take to complete my major and graduate . I know it will be a while until I completely graduate from college.

Max's Pov
Watching her sign her name for her classes was cute . Watching her get her class list was priceless , her face lit up in pure confusion . But quickly neutral feeling after she realized it was all her major classes. The classes she needed to graduate . I was happy she was going back but sad I won't see her as much . But still happy she is going to college .
I keep saying in my mind "I will be happy for her ," but something else kept hitting me. What about the other guys . I worried about her and then because sometimes she ain't strong enough , what if they bother her . These thoughts filled my head , so I had to ask her . "Babe what about the other guys here " She looked at me with a " are you stupid " look she said " Chill baby I love you and you're the only one" I felt loved when she said that . I felt more loved but the need to protect her from them college boys . I done been through college so I can't go back . Even though I want too I can't (let's pretend he can't go back) I felt the need to be with her  holding he closer to prove she is mine . I wanted to Hurt anyone if they hurt her . I hear in my head "Be careful Max you can't loose this one because you love this one " I replayed that in my head with flashbacks of my ex ' formally dead ex's ' I try not to think about y/n ending up in that situation . After I thought about it we got in the car and stared out the window .

Y/n's Pov
I saw Max look kinda sad . I looked at the road and said " You okay love " he sounded depressed and said in a sad tone " yea sure " I pull over in the side of the road and he looks at me .
I lock the doors .and ask him again  he says" yea " I ask myself "Did I do something , is he sad about me leaving for a hour or so ' ' so I ask out loud I ask " Please you are worrying me tell me what's wrong " he looks at my eyes deeply .  And says " I just don't want to loose you to them. College guys " he says as he wraps my hand around his . I make a aww face . And say "don't. Worry you are my love and it will stay that way and also they were ug " I say he giggles and cheers up hearing that  I believe that's all he needed to hear . But I'm glad he's happy and I put my seatbelt on and start my car up to drive home knowing Max is happy and I'm in debt .

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