4.) Why Max

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Max's POV

I woke up to get ready for work , when I went downstairs Ross and Tim were eating , I grabbed some pancakes and said "What the hell are you looking at " they both looked away and Ross said " You could be a little nicer to y/n I mean she's nice to you a,d your being a **** to her . You really should be a bit nicer ya know " I said. " I don't care she is stupid and pathetic why does Adam like her so much . " Tim looked like he got angry he stood up from his chair and said " oh sod he is stupid and pathetic." I looked and said " yea so " Tim got angry and walked towards me he said " lol just kidding I'm not mad . but you should try to be a bit nicer though . " I got done eating and changed into my work clothes and put in my necklace . I walked past our decorative mirror and looked in it . I closed and opened my eyes and drove Ross and Tim to the offices . We got in there and I seen y/n laughing about something with Adam . I walked over there and y/n ran away .I walked to Adam I said "what the ***** she's stupid and pathetic why would you be friends with her. " Adam looked at me and said " why are you being a d*** to her man . She's nice to you then you treat her like ****, maybe you should straighten up and be nicer " then Adam walked off .

Maybe I should be nicer , no , she's stupid and pathetic she is a b****, but yet I haven't got to know her . Whatever

Y/n walked past me and I grabbed her arm, and pushed her against the wall I said " hey , talk to me , why are you do ******* nice to me ." I said as I gripped her wrist harder . I felt bad because I was hurting her and she was practically crying . Why do I love her , I'm just to stupid to show it . She looked at me and said " I'm sorry , I just , I just " I screamed in her face and said " you what" she was looking down and I dropped her . I said " ill be back and you can tell me later " I walked away as she looked at her wrist and I stopped thinking about what I've done .i hurt her . I turned around and walked to her I picked her up and looked at her . I muttered " I'm stupid " . And I saw cuts on her wrist . I held her wrist and said "I'm sorry I didn't know " she was crying , she got up and ran to the bathroom . I tried to follow but she slammed the door making everyone come out . Adam said to me " You need t straighten up and fix this ,you hurt her feelings and all she did was be nice to you . You need to fix it yourself " I realized what Adam said and I tried to talk to them . They walked to the bathroom and sent Emily in. I thought , " why am I a d**** for " and then. I wanted to start over with her . I thought and said " Adam tomorrow me and her will start fresh and I'll be nicer , it hurts me to know she's upset over my stupid actions ." Adam nodded and left me to wait for y/n to come out . I thought  tomorrow a new start I want to know who she is . "


Max was being a d**** today all I did was help him , I over heard Adam say " even though you like her try to be nice to her okay'' it took a while if me thinking to notice that adam said he likes me ... is it true .. surely not he is kinda angry all the time but I could look past it to see his real side not the perspective he shows .. ok so I'm giving him one last chance ... if he f***** up then that is his fault and I shouldn't fell bad for him. I'm tired of him acting this way towards me ......

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