45.) Y/n's BackStory

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Before : Some parts may be disturbing to some audiences reader digression is advised.

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Y/n 's POV
It was time  that i wanted to tell max what I've finally been through hopefully he will tell me about him too but i sit him down in the couch as he stares at me  he pulls me close so i can proceed to tell him the story ....

It all began when i was 3 , Hiding behind a book self watching my mon get hit by my dad .  I see her go to the bedroom and pull out from
Under the bed a suitcase i saw her loads pf her clothes in the bag . I didn't know what was happening so i asked   She looked me into the eye and said " I'm sorry baby but mommy's  not coming back . I start to tear up at what i heard i Started to cry . I didn't understand why but i has a feeling it was him . High school wasn't fun either i had ____ class but before i would always get my _____ book from my  locker .but then this popular crew named Brooke who was the leader she was a literal blonde but oh well she would hit and kick me around she even threw me against my lockers  i got to angry to the point where i punched her but it   Caused war .she didn't stop until  graduation. A little later i met with a guy way before i hooked with with you max . But he used to abuse me as well  he would strap me dow or tie me to the bed and physically try to rape me but he took it as us banging but it wasn't that he was trying to rape me. I moved away to here to escape .but he sooner found me .i tried to escape before but he caught up and tried to kill me . Later on Adam found  me and helped me therefore giving me the job and the i met you where when i first see you i fell in Love with you and i have ever since .

I look back at max who was wide eyed he kissed me on my  cheek and pulled a blanket over us while he turned on Fairy Tales . I wonder what Max's past was like ??? Should I ask.????

Hey guys Hannah here I'm back from break !!! Wooo but school is harder than ever and graduation is a fraction if the way here . So far I have straight  A's and hoping to keep it that way . But i hope you enjoyed and
QOTD: Whats your favorite kind if Ice cream ??
But anyways mine is strawberry but anyways thanks for reading !!

✌🏽️💜🦄 ~ Hannah

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