28.) Party at Adams (P2)

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Y/n's POV
We all gathered around the table and ate breakfast . Then Adam pointed to the girl and then at Alesia . Me , jess and Shelby were all confused on what Adam was trying to say until he spoke and said " go get your bikinis on we are gonna swim . I looked over at max who was trying to hide his excitement . I internally giggled inside then excused my self to follow the girls . When we got there Alesia has pre bought bikinis for us to have she said " I won't wear them and I have so many already " we all grabbed a bathing suit and put it on . I felt unsure about how it fit my body shape . But it was fine it was a two piece bikini that was Indian print . The guys were ready and they were all shirtless . We all went down together and there he was max staring at me wide eyed and blushing . I could tell he wanted to do some things with me . I wonder what he is thinking that crazy guy but he's my crazy guy after all .

Max's POV
We were getting ready the girls went into a different room to change Adam had the sliding doors open did the dogs and us , since we are going back and fourth . All the girls came down but there was one girl I was fixed on and it was my girlfriend . She looked Sexy , beautiful , F***** amazing . So many words I could use to describe her but yet I won't o don't want to keep the guys waiting . We all went outside Me and y/n and some other folks decided to swim in the lake , Jason with Jess since jess couldn't swim . I pushed y/n off the dock and into the water . A few minuets she never came up . I panicked and jumped in after her I was terrified looking for her but not to freak anyone out . I seen jess and Jason laughing at me but I didn't mind it I was focused on looking for her , I couldn't loose her not now not never . Until I felt a force come against me and a pair of arms around my neck . I jumped and turned to see y/n there in her glory laughing her a** off at me . I look at her like I'm mad and she comes to me and pecks my lips which I instantly melt and she walks away because we were in shallow water . I pulled her arm and held her close kissing her compassionately, she melted in and we kissed . Jess coughed and we split and she grabbed my hand and led me under the dock where a private place for u too prank the people with . I knew Adam would die , this is gonna be a Hell of a prank .

Y/n's POV
After I freaked max out we made up then I started to pull. Him to a hiding place . We decided to prank people . Me and max screamed then splashed water on the dock a bit . Everyone tried to look for us . Adam looked under the dock but didn't find us because we ducked down into the water so we were invisible . We came up and heard Adam screaming . We silently laughed when mad instantly stopped and pulled me closer . He picked me up and held me in place so I wouldn't slip out of his hands . He semi -pushes me against a pole and started to kiss me . I pulled away and came out of our hiding spot . We told Adam it was a prank and he was relieved . Max kept muttering sweet nothings into my ear the whole way into the house . What is he up too ?

Max's POV
We gathered around the table once more to eat dinner , we previously went shopping for everyone but the girls split and went shopping for makeup and clothes and shoes . All the girls were dressed up including y/n. She was in a black slick pencil skirt and a crop top and the crop top was red. With her red heels . I still can't describe how beautiful she was and looked . Her curves and everything we're alone perfect with the dress or "dress" as you would call it . We eventually finished and it was about 1:00 in the morning . So we both took turns y/n took a shower while I brushed my teeth and then after she got dressed we switched . I was the first to go to bed but I laid on my side waiting to attack y/n with hugs and cuddles . When she came closer to me I pulled her down cuddling her not letting her go . I love her and no o w can stop it or me . I noticed she looked tired so I kissed her forehead and heard her breathing slow down until it was pitch quiet and then I saw blackness .

Adams POV
I tell Alesia everything that happened and she laughed I mutter to myself ' your nice ' and she slapped me on the wrist . I pretended to cry then came back and tickled her . I was so happy that max and y/n care about each other . I ended up falling asleep on top of Alesia and she wasn't happy she pushed me off and turned to her back facing me . I think to myself ' sometimes she is annoying '

Hey sorry for not updating yesterday . Whoops I was so busy with school and my after school activities that I forgot . I promise it won't happen again but if I need a day off I will tell you in a a/n . But how was your day ? What did you do today ? Me I had to dress as a lawyer and put a classmate under trial and guess what I won the judge made him guilty as I stated because I was a prosecutioner . So that was my day what was your ?
Thanks for reading boiii , Hannah

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