24.) Hospitals(P2)

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Max's POV
I sat in the ER with y/n holding her hand . I wonder what's wrong with her ? Could it be serious ? All these thoughts go through my mind imaging the worse thing to happen . Y/n squeezes my hand to bring me to reality . The doctors were there they were asking questions like what she ate what she drank ,what she did . These questions were personal . The doctors asked for her parents which looked like she was gonna cry . I looked at her and she said " I don't keep in contact with them anymore " the doctor nodded and told us what was wrong . She had a minor food poisoning. The doctor said she would just throw all the poison up in her system then she would be alright . I brought y/n home and she laid in bed . I didn't want to give her food right away since she just took a pill to help with the poison. I shook my head and went to my office when I got stopped by Tim and Ross . Ross looked P*****. I stood up and said " what " he said in response " where were you ?" He said angrily . I admitted and he said. " She's what !!!" They both said in awe . I know I could believe it my self . Four days ago she was fine . I think I need to be a little Cautious with her . They nodded and went off to record . I published a pre recorded video . Then went up to y/n and snuggles with her . I thought I hope she feels better soon

Y/n 's POV
I found out I had food poisoning. I was scared as shocked until the doctor said it was minor . I was glad I could go home . I heard max and Ross talking about me . I got worried so I tried to get up when I got it o felt a urge to vomit so I just laid back down and waited for max or someone to question me . Quick enough max came up there and snuggled with me . A few times I threw up but nothing much . Doctor said I could get it out of my system by throwing up . I didn't care about it me and max needed to work . I wanted to work but yet I couldn't because Adam is a a*** and won't let me . I nuzzles into Max's neck and he whispered sweet nothings . The room was quiet so quiet you could hear a pin drop . I end up calling asleep with my running his hand up and down on my back and in my hair . I hope I will be okay .

Max's POV
I wonder what caused the poison . It's time for me to play dective Max . For awhile until I can find what caused it

Ross POV
I can't believe max lied to me , I thought I was his best friend ?

I hope y/n will be okay .

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