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Hi guys!

Sorry for the wait, i just started my second quarter of college and am taking for classes this time/: which means less time to myself. Thank you for your patience though!

I posted the second book to this so you can add it to your library already! let me know what you think of the name and cover, ( im trying to fix the cover though)

hope you like the chapter, dont forget to vote!



After an hour of trying to convince Harry this morning that I was okay to go by myself, I was finally able to get on the road and make my way to Pasadena to meet this Dave guy. My nerves are frantic and my hands clutch the steering wheel a lot tighter then needed the closer I get to my old childhood home. I’m nervous about what Dave will say happened to my mom, he hadn’t elaborated much on how she had died over the phone and I barely slept last night because my thoughts were all jumbled,  and I kept wondering how this could have happened.

Forty five minutes later I am turning on a very familiar street, and my lungs tighten around my chest as I roll up against the curb across from my house as I put my foot on the brake to put the car in park. I look out the window that’s separating me from this almost unfamiliar house, taking in the way the white paint on the borders surrounding the windows is now almost chipped completely, or how the railing that was on the sides of the stairs leading up to the porch is now gone, or the fact that the grass is too long and it’s obvious it hasn’t been cut in a long time.

Opening the car door, I hop down from the drivers seat and walk across the gravel and to the front of the house, hesitantly stopping at the end of the pathway that leads up to the stairs. I slowly take in the other differences of the house that weren’t that noticeable from the car, becoming so distracted that I don’t hear the sound of footsteps behind me and when I feel a hand on my shoulder I jump so far up.

I whip around quickly, to see a middle aged man with light brown hair and sharp angled cheekbones. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” He says, holding his hands out in front of him. “I’m Dave. You must be Kaydence, correct?”

I sigh in relief and nod my head. “Yes.”

He smiles warmly at me, revealing his straight teeth. He’s actually really attractive for an older man. “It’s nice meeting you.” He holds out his palm for me to shake, and I reluctantly place my hand in his before dropping it back to my side.

“Would you like to go inside and discuss everything?”

I look to the house and inwardly cringe at the idea of walking inside. I’m not ready yet. “Um, no.” I look to the side of the house, hoping to see the wooden table still sitting there from years ago. Luckily it is. “We can just sit there.” I point to the table and Dave nods, moving to walk to the edge of the table and placing his briefcase on top of it. He sits down on the wooden bench of the table and I take a seat across from him, my eyes hovering over the small engravings made on the top of it that me and Danny had done when we were kids.

Dave rests his hands on top of the table, crossing his hands. “My condolences to you about your mother.”

My heart clenches in my chest, and I swallow the lump that begins to grow at the mention of my mom. “What happened to her? You weren’t very clear on the phone.” I ask softly.

Dave sighs and lifts one of his hands to rub the top of his short hair. “I had been in touch with your mother since last July, she knew she was sick-“

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