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It's kinda short but I will update again maybe tomorrow!

Don't forget to vote pleaaaseeee.



I shut the car off as soon as I pull up in front of the building, lifting my hand and wiping my moist eyes with the back of my hand. I don't know why I'm even here, but after driving around for the past twenty minutes with no where to go, this is where I ended up.

Picking up my phone from the cup holder, I swipe the lock and go to my contacts, dialing Max as I hold the phone up to my ear.

I clear my throat so he can't hear that I've been crying, and take a deep breath before he picks up on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" He says in his British accent.

"Hey," I glance out the window as I watch a few people walking up to the building. "I'm not going to make it to work today."

"Why? Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I lie. "I'm just not feeling too good and think I should stay in bed for the night."

"Oh," His voice is distant from the phone for a moment as he talks to someone in the background, then the phone muffles as it's brought back to him. "I'll let management know then, I hope you feel better."

"Thanks," I watch a guy walk up to the building and start collecting my purse from the passenger's seat. "I got to go, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, get some rest!" I mutter an okay before I hang up, and open the door as I slide down from the car. I slowly walk up the building, sauntering through the entrance and glancing around at the other people in here. I smile politely at the women behind the counter, and fix my gaze on the rack of yoga pants that hang on a rack next to the counter.

"How much are these?" I ask her, pointing at the black yoga pants.

"Five Dollars." She answers.

I dig through my purse, and set a five dollar bill on the counter, then pull it off the rack. I glance around the gym to see a few guys are lifting weights, while some women are using the bikes. I glance to the back of the gym to see no one using the boxing section, and make my way down the aisle towards it. Before using it, I go in to the girl's bathroom that is right next to the boxing area, and walk into a stall to change out of my jeans. I pull the soft fabric up my legs, and wiggle in to them when I reach the top of my thighs. They are too tight on me, and I'm pretty sure I got the wrong size but it will have to do.

I trudge out of the bathroom and toss my purse on the floor next to the punching bag, and I tread towards the wall that holds the boxing gloves, picking up a pair that looks like the ones Harry had given me when he brought me here a few days ago. As I walk back to the bag I slip the gloves over my fingers, and strap them on tightly. Stopping in front of the bag, I stand there staring at it as I start to let myself think about what Harry had said to me back in the hotel room. My nostrils start to flare in anger and annoyance, and I lift my hands up in front of my face as I curl them into fists. I extend my arm and put all my strength into my arm as it connects with the bag. A loud bang echoes through out the gym, and I throw my other arm into the bag just as hard as the first time. I continue to punch the bag rapidly, seeing Harry's glare behind my eyes and it only adds more fuel to my fire. I don't know how long I punch the bag, but by the time I catch it as it swings towards me, I'm panting.

I lean against the bag as I hold it in my arms, and press my forehead to it as I take deep breaths through my nose and mouth to calm my rapid breathing.

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