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As Harry's lips crushed mine, I was too shocked to react at first. I froze, while Harry stepped closer to me and cupped my face. I felt my stomach fluttering, suddenly breaking out of my shock and kissing him back.

I reached up, gripping the back of his neck with my hands, the tips of his curls brushing my thumb softly. His lips were soft against mine, and moved perfectly slow. They were gentle in the beginning, but they grew rough as Harry started to kiss me harder, his tongue grazing my bottom lip.

I gasped, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth. His hands slid down to my hips, grazing my exposed skin. He tightened his grip on my hips,his fingers digging into my skin. He backed me up against a box that was sitting next to the wall. He gripped the back of my thighs and lifted me up so quick, setting me on the box and stood between my legs as he continued to kiss me hard.

He bit down on my bottom lip gently, and I let out a soft moan. God, why was I liking this so much? My body was on fire from this kiss, and I shivered as his hands gripped the top of my thighs.

I knew I should pull away, considering my mind was in a blur and I couldn't think clearly but I was having trouble because Harry was toxic. He was touching me and I didn't want him to stop, and the thought scared me.

I suddenly found the strength to pull away, and slid my hands down Harry's chest to restrain him.

He looked up at me, his eyes were full of so much desire and lust it took everything in me not to grab him again.

His chest was rising and falling quickly, matching mine. "What's wrong?" His voice was deep and rough, it sent a chill down my body.

"I...I can't do this." I stuttered.

His face fell as he took a step back. "Why not?"

"I just can't. It was a mistake."

"A mistake?" He asked incredulously.

I looked away, not wanting to meet his green eyes. "You shouldn't of kissed me."

"I wanted to."

I didn't respond as my heart clenched at his words. I wasn't sure why I was feeling like this. I hated Harry, he was a pain in my ass, was this sarcastic bitch all the time and just down right annoyed the crap out of me.

But he was also funny.

And sweet.

And caring.

And hot.

And I wanted him to touch me.

Ever since my past, I never ever had wanted any guy to so much as look at me, and here I was craving Harry's hands on me.

It confused me, which is why I couldn't allow myself to feel this way. I wanted to not feel anything towards Harry, because if I did that would mean getting closer to him, and if I got closer he'd learn about my deepest darkest secret, and in no way in hell was I having that.

Which is why everyone's life would be easier if I hated him.

"You can't tell me you didn't feel what I felt Kaydence. I know you felt it."

I looked back up at him, and gave him the most cold look I could muster. "I didn't feel anything." I lied out of my ass.

"You're lying."

"That kiss didn't mean shit to me." I jumped down from the box, dusting off my ass.

He seemed hurt at my choice of words, but composed himself quickly. "You're a horrible liar. Why can't you just admit that there's something between us?"

I snapped. "Because there isn't! God, not everybody wants you! I don't fucking feel anything towards you! I don't even so much as like you! Just because you've comforted me and I told you my sob story about my brother does not mean I give a shit about you! You care for someone who doesn't care about you! You're pathetic Harry! I'm only here with you because I have to be, this is not some fairy tale so don't get you're shit twisted and think I felt anything in that kiss because I can assure you I feel nothing but absolute hate towards you!"

His face fell, and he bit his lower lip looking away from me. My breathing slowed as I felt the anger fading, being replaced with regret.

"Fine. If that's how you feel then whatever. Let's just go home."

"Wait Har-,"

"I don't give a shit Kaydence. Let's go." He said coldly, and stormed down the sidewalk.

I followed behind him slowly, regretting everything I had just said. Because deep down I knew I meant none of it, and the last thing I felt towards Harry, was hate.

After all, he was my first kiss.


So I'm sorry I haven't updated for a few days and this chapter isn't that long but I need to go to bed and just wanted to leave something for you.

Next chapter will be longer, promise!

Hope you liked it and please vote!! (:

Ps: I saw the city of bones tonight and it was so good!!!! I've read the books and still liked it so you should go see it. Okay night!

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