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So I know I said I wasn't going to post until I got 10 votes, but my best friend begged me to post the next chapter so this chapter is dedicated to her, @nfontan! :D

Idk if I'll post the next chapter for awhile, we'll see. But enjoy, and VOTE. (:



Once Kaydence sat on the bed and gave me the opportunity to talk, I felt relief come over me.

I seriously started freaking out when she said she was leaving, and used her notebook to get her to stay. I knew it was wrong of me to read it, and I hadn't planned on telling her I did, but when she wouldn't listen to me I panicked and used it against her. I was such a dick head.

Moving in front of her, I tossed her bag on the ground behind me, still clutching her notebook.

Her eyes were burning with rage, but as I stood there in front of her, her eyes travelled from my face down to my body. Her cheeks redened, and she blinked down at the ground. "Do you think you could maybe put a shirt on?"

I smirked at her question, knowing I was making her uncomfortable gave me some satisfaction. I picked up one of my black shirts lying on the ground, and slid it over my head.

"Better?" I asked.

She only nodded slightly, and I dragged one of the sofa chairs in front of her, sinking down in it. "I'm sorry I read your notebook."

She looked up at me with a blank stare. "You said you only read the first page?"

"I did, I meant I'm sorry I read the first page in your notebook." I said.

She shrugged, fiddling with the rip in her jeans.

Realizing she wasn't going to say anything, I continued on. "I'm also sorry for ignoring you the past few days, It was childish of me to do. It's just...I was hurt. About what you said."

She stared at me, her eyes softening. "About that..." She took a deep breath. "Look, I didn't mean any of it. I only said that stuff so you would back off. It was messed up, and I regret it."

I nodded. "I accept your apology."

She half grinned at me, and looked away, pushing her hair behind her ear.

For someone who had mascara smudged under her eyes, and who's hair looked like a nest, she still looked just as beautiful as she always does. I had the urge to kiss her again, but I stayed where I was. She wouldn't like me touching her, and even though I knew she might not like me, she deserved the truth. It was then I made the decision to tell her how I felt.

"Kaydence?" I whispered.

She glanced at me under her eyelashes. "Yeah?"

I felt my heart slamming against my chest as I spoke. "Even though that kiss might of meant nothing to you, it meant everything to me."

Her mouth slightly opened, and her eyes widened. She didn't speak and I sat there quietly, letting her take in what I just said.

"W-what?" She breathed.

I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. "I like you, a lot. And that kiss we shared was probably the best kiss I've ever had, and trust me I've kissed a lot of people so that says something." She grimaced, and I hurried to explain. "Sorry, that sounded bad. What I meant, was that I've never felt the way I did when I kissed you before. I mean Jesus, it was amazing. I was surprised I could feel that way, especially about you considering how much of a pain you are. But you're gorgeous, I care about you, and I'm not asking you to tell me you feel the same way, it's okay if you don't but I needed you to know the truth about how I felt. I need you to stop pushing me away. Let me in, at least as your friend. Please, just let me be here for you. Let me be your friend." I breathed a sigh of relief as I finished.

She was biting her bottom lip, as she thought. I was wondering what was going on in that pretty head of hers. Did she feel the same as I did? Was she happy about what I revealed? Did she even want to be friends?

"Okay." She replied.

"Okay? Okay what?"

She smiled lightly. "Okay, you can be my friend."

I tried not to show the disappointment that she hadn't confessed how she felt about me back, and smiled. "Good."

She smiled, and reached her hand out. "Now can I have my notebook back?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Depends. Are you going to stay?"

She rolled her eyes. "Well it beats sleeping on park benches, so yes."

I laughed. "Is that where you were last night? Sleeping on a bench?"

She grinned. "Yeah, turns out they aren't good for my neck and back."

"They don't do your hair any good either." I joked.

She swatted my arm playfully. "Shut up."

I chuckled. "No I'm serious, have you looked in the mirror? It reminds me of a rat's nest or something."

She lifted her hand, patting her hair and feeling it around. She looked up at me, and started laughing. "Oh my God, I can actually feel how bad it looks."

We both erupted with more laughter, and cracked more jokes of what it resembled, tears starting to come out of our eyes.

Once I started calming down, I listened to Kaydence's laugh while looking at her. "You should laugh more often, it's pretty."

She calmed down, and stared at me. "Pretty? I sound like a Walrus when I laugh."

I gazed into her brown eyes, smiling genuinely. "No, you don't. You're laugh is beautiful, just like you."

Her face turned serious, and her eyes flickered down to my lips. I noticed her breathing was quickening and her cheeks were on fire.

She cleared her throat, and stood up. I looked up at her, while she avoided eye contact with me. "I..think I'm gonna take a shower."

"Okay." I replied.

She still wouldn't look at me. "Can I uh have my bag now?"

"Sure." I picked up her bag handing it to her as our fingers grazed. She flinched, and dropped the bag. I looked at her hand, and noticed goose bumps rising on her palm, spreading up her arm.

Realizing I noticed, she picked up her bag quickly and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

I sat there staring at the door. Did that just happen? She liked me. She had too. I could see the affect I had on her, and could tell she feels the same way about me, especially with just how she reacted, but I didn't understand why she wouldn't just admit it when it was clear how she felt. She seemed to keep putting up this wall to get me to back off, but I wasn't an idiot. I wasn't going to let her push me away anymore, I was going to fight for her. But first? I needed to break the wall she's built, and find out why it was put there in the first place.

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