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I watched as she drove away, feeling confused. She annoyed me to no end, and got on my nerves, but She was so different from other girls. She said what she thought even if it hurt you. I found that I liked that.

As much as I hated to admit it, I was attracted to her. I couldn't stop staring at her, and I felt an urge to brush the loose strands of hair that had kept falling in her face. Her eyes were beautiful too. They were almond shape, and her long eye lashes seemed to cascade over her light brown eyes. And that little nose stud, put a toughness to her soft features.
And damn, did she have a nice body. You could tell she tried to hide it underneath her simple clothes, but it was no use.

Strangely I liked bickering with her, and I realized I liked her.
And she hated me.
It bothered me so much.

I shook my head and turned to walk back to the dressing room. What was wrong with me? I have never found a girl this interesting, or noticed so much about them in short minutes. When I ran into her, the first thing I noticed were her eyes. Then her smile. Even if it hadn't been a genuine one, I saw how beautiful it was.

When she patted my shoulder I felt a jolt go through me, as if I was suddenly waking up. And I could of sworn when I touched her arm, she felt it too.
This was ridiculous, I talked to her for only fifteen minutes and I already had some sort of feelings for her or whatever this shit was.

I didn't know what to think, but I did know that I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about her, not until I saw her again.


Sorry this one is short, but hope you still liked it!
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