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A date? Aw hell, I could barely make it an hour with Harry before he annoyed the crap out of me. I didn't know how I could last a date with him, but I was gonna have to try. I felt guilty about what Harry had said this morning, how I never let him be nice. So today, I was going to change that.

I stood up from the bed, setting the plate down. "Okay, well if we're going on a date I'm wearing this."

He looked at my jeans and shirt I had on the night before, and shook his head. "No, you're not. You wore that last night, go shower and change."

I rolled my eyes, walking over to my bag to grab fresh clothes. "Okay, mom."

He raised his eyebrow at me. "And there it is again."

I muttered a sorry before I entered the bathroom, and showered quickly. Once I was out I changed into my dark blue ripped Jean shorts, with my pink crop top that had the word LIVE on it. I fixed my makeup and braided my bangs to the side of my head, and slid on my converse before I walked out.

"Ready." I said, stepping out of the bathroom.


I looked up from the apple I was cutting, and nearly sliced my finger off.

Kaydence had her bangs pinned to the side, and for once I could see her face clearly. Her eyes were big and brown, and her cheeks were slightly pink. My eyes traveled further down her body, and I caught sight of a red sparkly naval piercing. Well damn.

I blinked, looking back down at the apple, tossing the knife aside.

"Okay, let me put on my shoes."

"What are we going to do?"

I shrugged, sitting on the bed to slide my brown boots on. "I don't know, I guess we'll see."

She strode over to her bag, putting her dirty clothes in there. "Man, I didn't realize i had such a small pile of clothes." She spoke to herself.

"Well I guess we'll go shopping then." I said.

She glanced over her shoulder at me, her eyes confused. "Why?"

I gestured towards her bag. "You don't have many clothes, we'll go shopping for you then."

Her face fell, and she frowned at me. "Harry, I don't want you buying me anything."

"They are just clothes." I stood up, walking to the door. "Now let's go."

We walked down the hall, and entered the elevator. Once we were inside I noticed Kaydence was fidgeting a lot, and I studied her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She looked at me, her eyes were wide and she was biting her lower lip. "This is like the first time I'm walking in public with you...and I don't know how to react if people see us together."

"Just smile for the cameras." I winked at her playfully.

She didn't laugh, instead she pressed her lips together in a hard line. "I hate attention."

"Well then, I guess you made a mistake making me your boyfriend."

She looked away. "I didn't ask for this."

I nudged her arm, and reached out to intertwine our fingers. "I'm kidding, just relax. People are gonna take pictures, so just smile or don't even look at them. If they talk to you ignore them. You don't need to say anything."

She stared down at our hands, then looked up at me when the elevator doors opened.

I stepped out, pulling her along with me. As we walked out of the hotel, paparazzi was there taking pictures and yelling at us.

"Harry is this your girlfriend!"

"Harry what's her name!"

"Did she spend the night here!"

I ignored them, and glanced down to Kaydence who was practically hiding behind my arm. I chuckled softly and led her to my car.

Once we were inside she let out a loud sigh. "That was overwhelming."

I smiled, starting the car. "You get use to it."

"I don't think I ever could."

The drive to the shops was quite silent, except for the radio that was playing. Once I heard our song come on the radio, I groaned and reached over quickly, changing the station.

Kaydence looked over at me, her eyebrows raised. "Why'd you change it?"

"I hate hearing us on the radio, it's too weird."

"Huh, I would of thought you'd love to hear yourself on the radio."

I smirked at her. "Well I guess that just goes to show you don't know me as much as you think."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Guess not..."

We got to the shops a few minutes later, and I took a hold of Kay's hand again as we walked down the sidewalk. She stiffened but didn't pull away, and I took that as a good sign.

We entered one of the shops and looked around. I pulled out a light blue dress and held it out to Kaydence. "How about this?"

She gave me a soar look. "Ew, no. I don't wear dresses."

I smiled at her reaction, putting the dress back on the rack. "I thought all girls wear dresses."

She laughed, and shook her head. "I'm not most girls Harold."

"I'm getting that."

She looked around, and picked up a few jeans, shorts, and blouses. She practically jumped from excitement when she saw a white pair of converse that were in her size.

"Okay, I'm done." She said, carrying the clothes she had to the front.

As I was walking to meet her, a dress caught my eye and I pulled it off the rack. I looked at it, and smiled. It reminded me of Kaydence, so I threw it on the pile that she had put on the counter.

She started to lift the dress up, but I slapped her hand away. "Harry, I said I don't wear dresses. So what the fuck?"

"Oh don't get your panties in a wadd, it's for me love." I winked at her, and a smile was tugging at the corner of her lips.

We walked out of the fifth store a few hours later, and Kaydence's stomach growled.

I looked at her smiling. "Hungry?"

She nodded. "Starving actually."

"Lets go put the bags in the car, and then we'll go eat okay?"

She said yes, and as she was about to turn around someone ran into her, shoving her into my chest. I reached out and grabbed her before she fell, when I noticed how close we really were. Her hands were gripping my arms, and her chest was pressed against mine. She was looking up at me, and staring at me intently. My gaze flickered down to her lips that were only a few inches away, and I felt myself leaning in. She stared at my lips as I got closer, then suddenly flinched back.

She stood up straight, stepping away from me to pick up her bags.

She glanced over her shoulder at me, and laughed nervously. "I'm a klutz. But how about that food yeah?" And she turned quickly down the sidewalk. I felt disappointment wash over me, making me realize how much I really wanted to kiss her as I followed slowly behind her.


Ohhhh snapp. Harry and Kaydence almost kissed!!

Haha who wants them to kiss already?

I'm trying to make the chapters longer, and updating more but lately I've been blank on what to write but I think I'm getting my mojo back so hopefully I'll be posting more.

I still want to know if there's anyone who would want to make a better cover for me, I'll do a shoutout or somehow make you a character in the story, orrrrr I'll dedicate a chapter to you. If you want to, message me and let me know.

Pleasee let me know what you think, and vote! (:

Our Darkest Secrets (A Harry Styles FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora