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"OH MY GOD I CANNOT BELIEVE I WILL BE SEEING MY BABES UP CLOSE!" Madison was literally screaming in my ear as we walked to the front of the staples center to get the tickets.

"Madison please stop screaming in my ear before I tear your vocal chords out." I threatened.

"Chill! I'm just super stoked to see them up close."

"I know but please try to stay calm."

"Okay okay." She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself.

I walked up to the lady behind the glass window, smiling at her politely. "Hi, I'm Kaydence, my friend said he would leave the tickets here for me?"

"He?" Madison asked next to me. I swat her away, silencing her.

"Yes, he did. Here are you're tickets." She said, handing me the two tickets.

"Thanks." I spun around, walking towards the entrance. Not bothering to see if Madison was following.

She ran up next to me, giving me a questioning look. Which I ignored. "Who's he?"

"Shut up Madison before I pick a random stranger to sit next to me."

She didn't answer, and I gave our tickets to the door man, then led the way to the long journey to our seats.

We reached them after shoving our way through the crowd, and I was shocked of how close the stage really was. We were near the middle, a little off to the right but we would have a perfect view of the boys.

"These seats are perfect!" Madison squealed, not even bothering to hold her excitement in anymore.

I laughed lightly at her, and glanced around. There were about thousands of other girls who were just as excited to see them as she was. I mentally slapped all these girls for being so ridiculous. They were just boys.

Just then, the lights started to dim. There was one red light that lit the stage, and all the girls in the room went crazy from excitement. The middle of the stage rose slowly, and I could barely make out the top of the boys heads rising.

A song started playing, and I recognized it right away. I tried desperately to keep my feet glued to the ground, it was only the first song and I was already on edge.

By now, I could see the boys perfectly and Harry stood a few feet away from us, he looked out at the crowd smiling. He glanced down to where I stood, and smirked.

"Hey girl I'm waiting on Ya, I'm waiting on Ya, come on and let me sneak you out. And have a celebration, a celebration, the music up the Windows down."

The girls went insane as Liam sang the first few lines, and Madison jumped around, singing the lyrics along with them. I stood there, just watching them and Madison nudged me.

"Come on, I know you know the lyrics!" She yelled over the music.

I rolled my eyes at her, refusing to give in as I turned my attention back to the stage.

The rest of the concert went the same, the girls went wild, might I mention more for Harry though. He kept coming to our side of the stage and singing right in front of us, making Madison almost collapse.

They were near the end of the show, when a slow song started to play.

My body went rigid as I recognized it. No please not this song.

I felt myself panicking, and started to turn away so I could get the hell out of here.

"I would like to bring someone very special to me up on stage for this song!" Harry yelled into the Mic and walked across the stage to where I was, preventing me from leaving.

No fucking way.

"Kaydence, my beautiful girlfriend. Please come up here." He knelt down on the stage in front of me, out stretching his hand, a smirk plastered on his face.

The crowd cheered my name, some girls sobbing around me.

I shook my head vigorously, glaring at Harry.

"Babe, come on up!" He took a hold of my arm and lifted me on stage so fast I had no time to stop it.

"This song is for you baby." Harry said into the Mic.

I hate him.


Okay so you all better love me for this because I'm at orientation and still posted this even when I have weak Wi-Fi:p

College is so different from high school though, it's weird.

Anyways, hope you like this. It's getting good I promise.(;

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