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It's not that long but it's what you all have been waiting for!

There's kinda gonna be a second part, like the next chapter is Kaydence POV continuing from where this chapter ends.

Sorry if you wanted this chapter to be in Kaydence's POV but I chose Harry cause I wanted you guys to see his reaction and how he feels while she's telling him.

Don't forget more votes means faster updates!

Enjoy! (:


She stared at me, her eyes determined.

"Which part to you want to know?" She asked finally.

"All of it."

She brushed her hair back, her hand slightly shaking. "Well, I told you my dad left us." She stated.

I nodded slowly, not quite sure what to expect. "Yes, you did."

She pursed her lips, and blew out a breath, then met my eyes with the most serious face. "Try not to talk, okay? I need to just say it all together otherwise I'll never be able to tell you."


She ran her her hands on her thighs, then clasped them together tightly to keep from moving them, I could tell she was nervous.

She finally opened her mouth and started talking. "My parents met in college, dated for while, and not soon after my mom got pregnant with Danny." She paused at the mention of her brother. "They didn't know what else to do, other then raise Danny together, so they got married. They were happy with each other, you know all in love, and two years later they had me. Everything was fine after I was born, I grew up being a happy kid. I was close to my mom and dad, but it wasn't until I was five things started changing."

She stared off towards the window as she continued. "My mom and dad started fighting all the time because my dad had to work late and she wasn't okay with that. He started drinking a lot, and me and my brother never really saw him anymore. I remember being sad all the time cause of all the fighting, and I missed spending time with my dad."

She stopped, and I could see her struggling with what she was going to say next. I reached over and laid my hand on her arm. "Go on." I encouraged her.

She looked down at my hand on her arm, then closed her eyes as she spoke. "One night my dad came home from work really late, and all of us were already in bed. He stumbled into my room and woke me up, and he reeked of booze. He was drunk, but I didn't even care at the time because I was just so happy to finally be able to see my dad."

"He walked over to my bed, and sat down. I got up, all excited and asked him to play with me, and picked up my Barbie dolls. He said we could play, but he had some other game in mind. I willingly agreed, thinking it was some really fun game. He grabbed my hand and told me to lay back down. He started saying how it was a game just between us, and I had to promise to never share our game with anyone. At the time I nodded my head and pinky swore I wouldn't tell, because I thought it'd be fun. But it wasn't. He...touched me. And not in the way a dad is suppose to touch his daughter. I didn't even know what was going on, I just remember feeling violated, dirty, and knowing it was wrong." Her voice cracks.

I don't even know what to say, and my breathing starts to deepen as I come to terms of what her father did to her. I try to keep my voice calm when I speak. "Is that all?"

She shakes her head, and my stomach sinks from the fact that there was more. "After he told me I had to remember not to tell anyone, especially not my mom because she'd be mad, and they were already always fighting. I agreed because I thought that would be the only time..."

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