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He almost kissed me. Almost. Kissed. Me.

I was mentally slapping myself for pulling away before he could, but then I remembered I was suppose to hate him, so I mentally slapped myself again for even thinking I shouldn't of pulled away. I did the right thing.

We were quiet the whole walk to the car and back. We were currently sitting at the Elephant bar restaurant we found nearby, and neither of us has spoken yet.

I was looking through the menu, trying to decide what to get and choosing it as an opportunity to avoid eye contact with Harry.

"Well this is awkward." Harry said, breaking the silence.

I looked up from my menu, meeting his eyes. He was smiling light heartedly, setting his menu down on the table.

I chose to play dumb. "What is?"

He rolled his eyes. "You know what I'm talking about, I tried to kiss you. You don't need to be all awkward about it."

"You're being awkward too."

"Yeah, because you're being awkward!"

I laughed, shaking my head. "So you're being awkward cause I'm being awkward, but I'm being awkward cause you're being awkward."

We both stared at each other then burst into fits of laughter.

"Okay, okay. Let's just both forget about it and pretend it never happened okay?" Harry said.

I nodded, smiling. "Yeah, good idea."

Just then the waiter came by, stopping in front of our table. "Hi, I'm Jason. I'll be your waiter for tonight, can I get you guys anything to drink?" He glanced at Harry, then looked at me his smile widening.

"Um, can I get a water?" I said, looking up at him.

He nodded, and stared at me. I could literally feel his eyes burning into the side of my face.

Harry cleared his throat, looking annoyed. "I'll have a water too."

The waiter looked to Harry as if he just noticed he was there. "Yeah, sure. I'll get that for you."

He looked to me again, leaning towards me. "What's your name?"

I felt uncomfortable. "Um, Kaydence."

He smiled, showing his perfect teeth. "That's a pretty name."

I nodded, and glanced at Harry who looked like he was about to cut someone's throat.

"Yeah, it is pretty. Now how about that water?" Harry said, clenching his teeth.

The waiter looked to Harry, then walked away grumbling.

I turned to Harry, raising an eyebrow. "What was that about?"

He looked down at his menu. "He was hitting on you."


He stared back up at me, shaking his head. "So, nothing. It was just annoying. You're here with me."


He didn't respond, and turned back to his menu. I looked back down at mine, choosing to let it go right when Jason came back with our water.

"Here you go." He said, setting my water down in front of me.

"Thank you, that was fast." I said, reaching for my glass to take a sip.

"I do most things fast." He said, smirking at me.

"Ha..." I said sarcastically.

Jason stood there staring at me again. "Are you ready to order?"

I looked to Harry, who nodded and gave his order to Jason. He turned to me after he finished writing it down. "And for you, beautiful?" He said grinning.

I felt my cheeks heating up, and picked the first thing I saw on the menu. "I'll just have a cheeseburger."

He wrote my order down, and reached out to take our menus. I gave him mine, but let go right before he took it and it fell on the floor. I leaned over to pick it up, when Jason put his hand on my arm. "It's okay, I got it." I flinched away from him, pulling my arm back. He picked up the menu, smiled, and walked away.

I glanced at Harry, he was looking down at his fingers biting on his lower lip. "What?" I asked.

He blew out a sigh, reaching up to push his hair back. "Nothing, okay? Can we just eat and get the hell out of here?" He said angrily.

I nodded and we didn't speak much, until our food came. We ate quickly, and Harry asked for the check. While we were waiting for it, I excused myself to go use the restroom.

As I was walking back to the table, Jason stepped out in front of me blocking my path.

"Hey." He said, smiling at me.

"Um, hi." I tried to step around him, but he moved with me.

"Can I get your number?" He asked, stepping closer to me.

"I'm actually here with someone..."

He reached out, pushing a strand of my hair away from my face. I felt my stomach twist, but not in the good way. "That guy is a tool, hang with me and I'll show you a good time."

I gently pushed him away, and walked around him when he grabbed my wrist pulling me back.

Just when I was about to say something, Harry came up behind me. He shoved Jason back, and he let go of me. "Don't touch her." He growled.

I was shocked at Harry's reaction. He was always smiling, and I had never seen him aggressive. I wasn't sure if I liked it.

I looked between both guys, and Harry was glaring at Jason, who seemed to shrink back from Harry. Harry grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the restaurant and practically dragged me down the sidewalk.

"Harry, what the hell?"

He didn't answer me, just kept pulling me as he stalked down the sidewalk.

I snatched my hand away from him, coming to a complete stop. "Seriously, what was that in there?"

He spun around facing me, and his face was full of anger and something that looked like jealousy. He glanced around, noticing there were people around and pulled me into an alley. "He was flirting with you and touching you."

"Okay? You didn't need to shove the guy. I mean god, you've been moody since we got there."

He laughed sarcastically. "I have not, I was pissed because the guy was clearly coming on to you and you didn't do anything to stop it."

"Who cares if he was coming on to me! I didn't say anything because I honestly didn't see it. He was being nice at first."

"Yeah, and as soon as you're alone he's touching you!"

I was getting angry, that I stomped my foot like a five year old. "Who cares! Why does it matter if he touches me?!"


"Because why Harry?! For shits sake I can't read your mind!"

He looked away, getting more agitated. He turned back to me, gazing into my eyes with such intensity that I felt my chest tightening.

"Fuck it." He said, right before he crushed his lips to mine.


And he kissed her!!

Haha 2 updates in one day whaaattt? You all better love me.

Let me know if you liked this chapter, and please keep voting! Thannnnnks (:

Our Darkest Secrets (A Harry Styles FanFic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن