second letter to her

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Dear Alison,
Hey Ali,it's me again and this time i want to apologize about last time it's just that it hurts to know that you where going through that all alone.Ali why didn't you ask for help we could have saved you.anyway i really miss you your laugh,your smile.the classic Ali-d smirk you get when you have a plane,i miss your ocean blue eyes that i could just drown in,heak i even miss the way you always look at me. I've always felt something for you and when we would kiss it just felt like it was just the two of us in the entire world i just wish you didn't make fun of me for feeling this way.i have always wondered how you could go from the most sweet and loving girl to a stone cold bitch in a matter of seconds i wish everyone could have seen the Ali that i saw not her evil twin i wish they saw the person you truly were.there is one more thing I've always wondered too,why was i the only one who saw the girl behind the mask.i should go i have to get ready for Hanna's fathers wedding.


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