"My so call brother" I scoffed without taking my eyes off him.

He smiled, "Archangel, Micah" he greeted.

"What are you doing here" Axel asked.

"Ahh, Axel, nice to see you too" he stated "And, I'm here about the girl" he nodded toward Skylar's body.

"What do you want with her" I growled.

"Relax yourself and just hear me out. Right now, she's dead" he started off.

"NO SHIT" my voice boomed through the house in anger.

He shook his head and continued, "Right now, she's not going to heaven because well she loves you. And she's certainly not going to hell because you would never accept her soul into the gates of hell. So right now, she's stuck in a realm of nothing" he explained.

"A realm of nothing?" Randy questioned.

"Yea. It's where trapped souls go and relive their death over and over until someone let them through the gate of hell" Micah explained.

"What's your point" my patience was running out.

"Father has been watching you. He see's how much you love this human and how much she loves you. He's will to allow you to bring her back excepting this time she will be immortal...just as you" he stated with a pause at the end.

"I'm guessing there will be a bad side to this" I stated and he nodded.

"The good part is that you guys will go to heaven when you die. You guys have a clean slate" he spoke to Skylar's bros.

"The bad part is that Skylar will be forever immortal and live with you in Hell. Before you complain she should have a second chance at life, she already had a life so you either take this deal, she wouldn't have a soul but she wouldn't be stuck in the lost soul realm or you don't take this and she keeps reliving her death in the realm itself" he stated.

I turned to look at Skylar. I was getting her out that realm whether she would hate me for it later or not.

"Oh I forgot to add. She will come back as part Demon" Micah added.

I flashed in front him and started to choke him. "You can't make her part Demon. That's just going to torture her" I growled.

I pushed me away and fixed his shirt, "It's not my choice. It's father's" he stated.

"Oh course it is. He creates humans yet wants them to suffer and I'm the evil one right" I scoffed. I turned to James who was staring at Sky's body.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to bring her back. Being stuck between realms is not the best -"

"Just do it. I'm sick and tired of this shit. She should never have to go through this. No one should" he hissed cutting me off.

I've entered the realm of stuck souls before and trust me when I say it is bad. It's not something you would even like to experience.

"To bring her back, all you have to do is take her heart and pass it through the gates of hell. She should wake up in 24 hours. Her soul was pure before it came in contact with you and it somewhat still is" he mumbled the last sentence.

I didn't say a word. I just glared at him and Axel rolled his eyes. "My job is done here" he spoke and looked up. A white aura glowed around him before he disappeared.

I turned to Sky's body. I'm sorry you had to go through this.

"Can you guys please clean her up" I asked.

"I'll call Meg" James huffed before walking off.

Two hours passed by and Sky was now in fresh clean clothes on her bed. I ran my fingers down her cold arm. I picked her body up bridal style and walked out the room and down the stairs.

"I'll bring her back in about an hour" I spoke to the guys. They just nodded and stay quiet. James just sat on the couch unresponsive.

I flashed into Hell and walked across the bridge of fire which led to my kingdom. I walked into the mansion and into the main room (Yes, i have my own mansion in Hell. Get over it). I placed her body on the counter and placed my head on her stomach.

"I'm so sorry. You're stuck because of me" I wept. "Once again, this is my fault" I blamed myself.

I stood up and unbutton her plaid shirt. I flamed my finger and ran a line over her heart. I let out a sigh as I reached inside and pulled out her heart. A tear slipped down from my eye. 

I never imagined myself doing this. I never thought it would come to this point or even think it would be remotely possible. I watched her heart become specks of light going different ways. Her heart was pure. I cleaned the fresh wound over her chest and used my powers to heal her but it left a scar.

I button up her shirt and kissed her forehead. "I still love you. I hope you understand why I had to do this" I mumbled.

I spent the rest of the hour talking to her knowing she wouldn't be able to hear anything I said. She would still and always be my light through the darkness. 

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now