16 The First Day of School (Present)

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"O-okay ..."

The two girls entered the school building, went to their lockers and took out their slippers to put them on. Nisha was a bit faster and stood next to her friend, waiting.

"If you have any questions, come to me," the cat girl offered.

"I have no questions. The matter is not an issue for me."

"Not yet."

Yuna looked darkly. "Not at all. Ayumi is always annoying me with this."

"She's worried about you. You are like a little sister to her."

The blue-haired girl slammed the door of her locker shut. "It's not a topic, okay Nisha?" Her voice was so loud that some of the students looked over at them.

The class spokeswoman lifted her hands. "Okay. Relax."

"Why do I tell you this at all? This is only between me and Wataru." Yuna started to shake her head, while she stomped off.

"It occupies and insecures you, and you have to talk about it with someone. Normally you can turn to your parents." The blue-haired girl stopped. "Sorry."

"It's all right. I ... I don't know either ... it's not an issue, okay?"

"Okay. Just remember that there are people you can ask when you're ready. Don't let yourself be pushed, okay?"

Yuna clenched her fist. "I'll break his teeth if he tries something."

Nisha came closer to her. "The poor boy."

"I beg your pardon? I am the poor one with this idiot around."

"Then end it. No one forces you to be in a relationship."

The taller one sighed in uncertainty. "I didn't mean that. I love him ... but I just don't want that yet."

"All right."

They went to their classroom and entered the room. A few students were already sitting at their tables. Yuna noticed that Gorou had taken another place. He looked in her direction until she faced him, then turned his head away. He was still angry at her.

The blue-haired looked for Hikari, but she was not there yet. Shrugging, Yuna sat down in her seat and greeted a few other students. Her neighbor would come soon.


Hirose-sensei entered the room, went to his desk and deposited his shoulder bag while the students stood up from their desks. "Good morning, class."

"Good morning, Sensei."


"Sit down!"

Hirose-sensei rubbed his forehead, stepped in front of the table, and leaned against it. He gathered himself briefly and surveyed his students.

"I inform you that Hikari Wada will not come to school this and next week. She's sick at home."

"Yes ... she's sick," Gorou hissed.

"Shut up, Egawa-kun."

"Yes, Sensei."

"Who will bring her homework?" The teacher looked at his students again. Then he looked at Yuna. "Masuda-kun?"

"Um ... I don't live near her anymore."

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