15 Before the First Day of School (Present)

Start from the beginning

"Yes. We have very little to do with him. Come."

Yuna led her sister to the bathroom and knocked loudly. When no one answered, they entered the bathroom where nobody was. The girls put their washing utensils down, took their clothes off, and began to wash themselves.

Suddenly the door opened, and Yui screamed. "Oh damn shit!" Wataru shouted, and he immediately closed the door.

The older girl jumped up, stepped up to the door, and pushed it open again. "Can't you knock, you idiot?" She glanced angrily at him.

"Excuse me!" He stared at her first, then looked down.

Yuna noticed that he was staring at her breasts. Immediately her face turned red and she slammed the door shut. "BAKA!"

Embarrassed and awkward, Yui glared at her sister, who returned to her stool. "We need a bathing plan," the younger said.

The blue-haired snorted furiously. "I'll punch him afterwards."

"Don't get upset, sister."

"I've left our room door open, so this idiot can see we're awake." She scrubbed energetically on with her rag.

"Maybe he didn't notice it," Yui defended the young man.

Yuna narrowed her eye and moaned as she laid her hand on her belly. "Oh man ..."

"Are you all right?" The younger looked anxiously.

"I think, I'll get my period."


"Yeah. I hate that."

Yui smiled innocently. "In a few days, it's my turn." The blonde washed the soap off and then went into the hot tub after she had rolled back the cover.

The blue-haired washed herself, put on her panties, grabbed a bandage and put it in. "Fuck. What a crap."

"When does Ayumi have her days?" asked the girl in the tub.

Annoyed, Yuna squinted over to her. "I fucking couldn't care less, Yui."

"I was just thinking. Supposedly, women in residential communities should get their period synchronized."

The older one twisted her eye. "That's nonsense."


After the bath, the sisters returned to their room, slipped into their school uniforms and went to the kitchen. As they pushed open the door, the smell of fried fish struck them. Wataru stood next to the stove and had already put rice on the table.

"I'm very sorry. I hadn't thought of that," he said without looking at them.

Yui admired the breakfast. "Thank you, Wataru-san. That wouldn't have been necessary."

"Oh, hell yes." Yuna went over to him and grabbed him by the collar. She glanced at him furiously. "If I catch you again, I'll rip your balls off, got it?"

The blonde girl looked perplexed. She didn't know her sister like this. "Sister ..."

"It was an accident! I didn't know you were in the bathroom." Wataru tried to release Yuna's hands from his T-shirt collar, but the girl's grip was iron. "You're hurting me."

"Pussy." She released him and turned to Yui. "Sit down." A friendly smile accompanied the call. The middle-school girl felt a little queasy, so she obeyed and sat down quietly. Yuna scooped two servings of rice and placed one before Yui. Then she sat next to her sister. "Hurry up, you fool." The young man snorted, but didn't dare to say anything. He handed them a plate of fish, then left the kitchen.

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