Agatha nodded. Jamie smiled. "Now, excuse me, I have some business to do."

"Do you think she's ok?" Andrea turned to Dan.

"She's with Jamie, I guess she's ok." Dan took a bite out of his sandwich.


"Is that?" Kyle looked around.

The doors to the cafeteria busted open, revealing Jamie holding a microphone with a raged expression on her face.

"Yup." Erin shrugged. Jamie started walking towards Killian's table. The poor boy was quivering in fear. Yes, Jamie is known to be a down-to-earth person, but everyone also knows not to get her furious.

"Stand up!" Jamie ordered him.

"What?" Killian looked at her.

"Just stand up dammit!" She glared at him and he immediately stood up. "Put your hands up!"

"Wha- you can't do this!" Killian argued. "I-I'll report you to the teachers!"

"What teachers?" Jamie looked around before smiling smugly. "Sorry hon, teachers took a day-off. All that's here are the student teachers."


"No butts, except yours walking a straight line!" Jamie ordered. Killian followed as the other students started snickering. "About-face!"

Killian turned around.

"Now walk on a crooked line!"

Killian started walking in a curvy direction. The crowd's snickered louder turning into a laugh.

"STOP! Now do the Macarena!"

"The what?"

"Do it!"

Killian looked around and saw people holding out their phones, ready to record him dancing. He then started with putting his right hand forward. The other kids in the cafeteria started singing the chorus as he slowly danced along.

"NOW GO AND HIDE AWAY IN SHAME!" Jamie laughed. Killian looked around and bolted out of the cafeteria. The others all looked at Jamie and started cheering.

"Ok, I'll be honest. I did not expect you to do that with the microphone." Alice Ashwell took the microphone. "But that was sick! Can you do Rhealyn next?"

Jamie laughed and shook her head. "Nah.....maybe."

"Wicked." Alice smiled and walked away.

"Jamie!" Agatha hugged her from behind. "You really did that?"

"Course I did." Jamie smiled.

"This was the busiest week ever." Jamie groaned.

"Agreed." Kyle looked at her.

The week for the student teachers were over and Jamie was a complete mess. She was working as a teacher at day, teaching the others about art, and she was an artist at night, editing the others' work for the Avant Garde. They always ask her to edit it and, she always says yes. Even though she knows that she might not be able to finish hers.


Jamie turned around and saw Michael Adams. " passed your artwork? You know, for the Avant Garde."

Jamie looked around and saw her friends looking at them. "Of course I did. I passed it the same time I passed theirs."

Jamie pointed at her friends.

"Okay, I bet your art's beautiful." He smiled then mumble something under his breath.

"What? Sorry, I didn't catch what you said." Jamie raised her eyebrow

"N-Nothing." The lanky boy shook his head. "Anyways, good luck!"

"Good luck to you too!" Jamie smiled as the boy walked away.

"Did any of you noticed that he didn't greet us? Not even a hello or a goodbye?" Andrea looked at them.

"Come to think of" Agatha grinned.

Jamie turned to them with her head slightly tilted to the right. "What?"

"Oh Jamie." Dan face palmed while shaking his head.

"One word, two syllables to define Jamie?" Kyle looked at Erin.

"Clueless." He answered.

"Wha- come on! When was the last time I've been clueless?" Jamie placed her hands on her hips.

"Uh, I dunno, now?" Kyle rolled his eyes.

"Michael doesn't have a cr-" Jamie was cutted off by Agatha.

"We're not talking about Michael, Jamie." She shook her head. "We're talking about Bryn!"

"Bryn Andrews?" Jamie looked at them with disbelief. "Nice try."

Agatha groaned. "It's true! Right guys?"

The others nodded including Andrea. "Psh Yeah right."

"Whatever. Speaking of admirers, what happened to the letter? Did you replied to it?"

"How am I supposed to know him when I don't know him?" Jamie crossed her arms.

"Well, I dunno, leave it near your locker I guess." Kyle shrugged.

"Hmmm fine." Jamie shrugged and pulled out a letter from her bag.

"How long was that in there?" Erin pointed at the letter.

"I dunno. I wrote it the time I found the letter." Jamie went near her locker and slid the letter in the gap. She made sure that there was a part of it sticking out, enough for a person to get it. "There. Now, c'mon guys let's go."

Morning came and the silence of the cold school halls were disrupted by the echoing footsteps of a 15 year old boy. He was surprisingly early today. He glanced at a certain Italian girl's locker and saw a paper sticking out. He took it and read the black text written in her lovely handwriting. 'To whoever you are' He stashed it in his backpack and walked away.

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