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Jamie walked down the hall to reach her locker. Once she opened it, a light blue envelope dropped. She picked the envelope up and looked around. She came to the thought that no one around her would have place it inside. She turned her attention back to the envelope.

It has an elegant pattern that seems to be etched on the envelope. Her name was engraved in a fancy handwriting that seems to be from the Victorian Era. The letter was sealed by a black wax stamp with a crest embed on it. Not knowing who placed it, she stashed it in her bag.

"Soooooooo...." Jamie started. "What are we gonna do for that Bazaar thingy."

"I have no idea." Kyle looked at the books. "That's why we're here."

"Searching a book about arts and crafts?" Agatha asked. "Brilliant. Very brilliant."

Daniel looked at them and rolled his brown eyes. "You do know that you're in the E section."

"Uhhhhhhh yeaahh....of course we do." Jamie took Agatha's and Kyle's arm. "Alright. That was embarrassing."

"C'mon guys." Kyle walked through the hall of books.

"He's not gonna find the right section is he?" Agatha looked at her friend.

"Nope." Jamie shook her head.

"Hey, where are the others?" Erin sat down beside Daniel.

"They're looking for books." Daniel flipped the page of his book.

Erin looked around, contemplating whether he should tell him the thing he saw in Jamie's bag. What would happen if he tell him? What'll happen if he didn't? Well here goes nothing.

"Hey Dan?" He looked at Daniel.

"Hmmmm?" He replied, his focus still on his book.

"Have you ever seen the inside of Jamie's bag?"

"Uhhhh no. Why?" Daniel looked at him.

"Well it's just- I might be imagining it but." He struggled for words. "I well- saw a-"

"Spit it out you ninny."

"Ok fine. I saw a cloth filled with blood inside her bag."

Daniel stayed silent.

"I mean, it could always be red ink, you know how clumsy she is."

"I-I suppose." Daniel looked back at his book.

"C-Can't. Reach." Jamie stood on her tip toes just to get a book. Before reaching it, a hand reached it first. "What the."

"You really are short." Kyle smirked, holding the book on his hands. Jamie cursed in Italian followed by a punch on Kyle's shoulder. "Ok. That hurts. What do you have in there? Bronze knuckles?" He winced.

"Aggie you should really get your phone's camera checked." Jamie peered over her friend's shoulder. "The flash is really getting annoying plus, it's making some of the parts of the picture white."

"I dunno. It was fine just a few days ago." Agatha tapped her phone's camera. "But hey I could still use it."

"So we're gonna find out how to do how many things?" Jamie raised her dark and messy black hair into a side ponytail, showing her pale face.

"5." Daniel said. "And remember it has to be built using recycled materials and it should be something that other students would buy."

"You guys do know that we can search in the internet." Erin rolled his eyes.

"Well, we don't want to look in the internet." Jamie opened a book about crochet. Erin groaned but then he sat on one of the tables and started searching for something he could build.

At least an hour has passed but the group were still there. All of them were busy finding what they should each build. But that is until Daniel looked in front of him. His face broke into a grin as he nudged the redhead beside him.


"Shhhh." Daniel silenced her. He then nodded to the two people in front of them. Agatha smiled and nudged Erin. When he saw it, he smiled a bit too. Agatha took out her phone and slowly rose from her seat. She clicked the button of her camera and took a picture of a scene.

Agatha's PoV

I don't care what Jamie says but my camera is still fine. Like, it can still take pictures! You know pictures like this:

 Like, it can still take pictures! You know pictures like this:

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I can actually see myself dying in the next few hours. I looked through the book I'm holding and saw something, it's a vase. Hmmmmm, yah sure why not. I was about to read the steps when I heard a voice coming from a familiar person.

"Jamie!" Will greeted her. Jamie looked up and smiled. She stood up and went to William. Ok, so is it just me or is Jamie smaller than all the boys here? Well I'm not saying I'm not short but still.

Erin is 6'3, Daniel's 5'9, Kyle's 5'7, I'm 5 flat and Jamie's 5'2. Yup. She's short alright. Wait are we both short or are the guys just too tall? Either way I don't care but Jamie does.

I looked Jamie and Will and I think I can see at least 8 inches height difference between them. Damn, with that small height of her she really has a tall personality. They laughed together and I smiled. Ok, how clueless can she be?


I placed the envelope in front of me. I really don't know whether I should open it or not. I-I don't know. But I have to say, it's really elegant. Like it's an invitation for a party held at a mansion. What if it is an invitation. Nah. I really have no idea why I'm still writing in this diary, but hey, what could go wrong.

I stared at the envelope. Yup I'm gonna open it. I held it in my hand and goddamn it's soft. I opened the seal and reached for the letter inside. The paper has a really light color but I guess whoever sent this must really like blue. I opened the letter and saw only 9 words written in an Elegant handwriting.

Will you go to the Christmas Ball with me?

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