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Ok so this is just a one off for this book, I just felt like it would've sounded better in Mikes point of view, hope you enjoy.

Mike's POV-

"Hey, is Lola here?" God he made me almost want to turn gay. Why would Lola give up that for me.

"Nah, she went out for drinks with the other girls"

"Oh ok, it's Parka right?" He said probably not meaning it to be in an insult, but I was just searching for another reason to dislike him, besides the fact that he was dating the girls I liked, and if that was all I was getting, than I'll take it.

"Nah close, it's Mike, Parka's over there and the other ones Alex" he shook my hand, if he wasn't already frightening enough, his grip made it ten times worse.

"It is ok if I just wait here for Lola to get back?"

"Sure, come in" I opened the door wider to let him in, "Do you want anything?"

"Ahh could I get a water?"


We had been sitting in silence for about ten or so minuets when Alex started making conversation.

"So Elijah, what do you do?" Alex said attempting to ease some of the tension.

"I'm a carpenter, started my own company straight out of school, but I also do part time fire fighting" he bragged, clearly making the rest of our life's sound like crap compared to his.

"Really, cool" I tried to sound as interested and cool as I could but I was also trying extremely hard not to hate everything about the guy just for dating Lola"

"So what about you guys? What do you all do?"

"I work in retail" Parka said trying to sound classy.

"Bar manager" Alex nodded.

"I'm studding graphics design and astronomy" I half smiled at him.

"Really wow sounds interesting, do you and Lola go to the same collage?"

"Ahh yeah" really he had to mention Lola? Every time he even began to say her name I just imagined them together.

I continuously kept thinking to our prom night. Lola looked amazing, she always did but, she was really stunning on this particular night.
The whole night, whenever I looked at her she was dancing with Elijah or he was whispering something in her ear. Every time I saw them I just hurt.
Now that my feelings had matured even more, I felt even worse whenever he was taking about her.
It wasn't the fact that he was talking about HER, if was the fact that He, Elijah, was talking about her the way he wanted to be talking about her.

Finally we herd the girls at the door. It was like a cloud of awkwardness had been lifted but a cloud of tension fell back over.
I was glad that Lola was home, in fact I picked her laugh out from the other girls almost immediately, but also I knew that as soon as she walked through the door she would run into his arms and they would kiss and all that, I couldn't handle that so I quickly ran into the bathroom.

I splashed some water into my face and wiped over my face with a towel.
I then stood there for a good thirty seconds contemplating weather or not to go back out there, I finally decided to go out and see the happy couples reunion.

So that will most probably be the last time a chapter is written in a character other than Parka or Daniella until the next book..... If I ever get there.... Anywho hope you are enjoying it, if you've made it this far, congratulations and thank you so much, hope you like the rest of the book and the (hopefully) many more to come.

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