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Daniella's POV-

I sat by the window, thinking of things to do with Koby. I wanted to surprise him. After said he had to work his other job and was going to be working late, I thought that I could plan something for the two of us.

I still felt bad for stopping him yesterday. I know he says he understands, but I still feel like I could lose him over it.

I thought I could cook him tea for when he got home, I'd set up flowers to make it look like we were on a proper date, than we would lay on the couch and watch movies for the rest of the night.

I couldn't cook to save myself so I called Lola, she was between classes so she couldn't come home to help me cook but she did give me the recipe for her amazing ravioli.

I walked down to the small store on the corner of our street to get everything, than went back home and began cooking immediately.

I finished cooking when Lola walked through the door.

"Her perfect, your home" I said poring the ravioli into a bowl.

"What do you need?" She said hanging her coat up.

"Could you drive me to Koby's so I can set up all of this" I gestured to the flowers and pasta on the table beside me.

"Sure" she smiled and put her coat back on.

"Ok great, we should get going now" I said piling everything on top of the bowl filled with pasta.

"Let me help you" she laughed taking the flowers from me. "Do you want some wine?" She said as she walked over to the wine rack.

"I hadn't even though of that, yes thank you" I said as I opened the door.

Lola grabbed a bottle or red wine then locked the apartment.


We had just pulled up to his apartment building when Lola killed the engine.

"Do you want me to come in and help you set up?" She asked.

"No I should be fine"

"Ok, but I'm helping you carry all this inside"

"Deal" we both laughed.

We walked into the apartment and climbed the stairs until we got to the third floor.
I put the pasta on the floor so I could get the key from under the doormat.

All the sudden we heard moans coming from somewhere in the apartment building.

"Someone's having a fun time" Lola laughed.

I opened the door than picked up the ravioli. I walked through the door and all the sudden couldn't move.
The apartment looked like someone had been in and trashed it. There were books sprawled over the floor, blankets and sheets thrown around the apartment, and a trail of clothes leading to the bead.

The ravioli fell from my hands, spilling all over the floor.
Tears were forming in my eyes, I couldn't breath, couldn't blink.
I just stood there.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing, what was happening right I front of me.

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