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Daniella's pov-

It had been over three weeks since we had finally moved into our apartment in New York City and everything was working out good for pretty much all of us.

I mean Parka hadn't quite found a job yet but he was looking and that was the main thing, where as for the rest of us, we were practically set up for life.

Lola had been taking three Law classes a week, along with night time drama classes two nights a week and on top of that was working every other night, but was yet to tell us where.

Alex had started his job at a bar a couple of streets over.

Ruby had been studying teaching as well as waitressing at the same bar Alex was working at.

Mike was at collage pretty well full time studying graphics design and taking a few night classes studying astronomy.

And then there was me, I was working at a karaoke bar and performing every Thursday and Friday at a club.

It was Wednesday so Mike and Lola were at night classes and Alex and Ruby were cleaning up at the bar after a bunch of guys broke in and trashed the place, so that left Parka and I home alone to watch re-runs of Friends.

I ordered pizza and within 15 minutes we received a message saying that our food was ready, so we paused the episode and walked the ten minuets walk to the pizza restaurant.

When we arrived there they had messed up our order, they had put anchovies on Parkas pizza instead of sardines, both equally as wired as each other, but non-the less we had to wait another 20 minutes for them to remake our order. We waited in one of the booths closest to the window and the counter so as soon as we heard our order we could just pick it up get back to continue our episode of friends.

"Why did you have to have sardines on your Pizza, you're not normal I swear to god" I looked at him as we both laughed, loud. Parka and I had almost the same laugh, both loud and sounded like we were having a seizure. Although for some reason his had a higher pitch to it.

"Hey, for one it tastes amazing and two, no one else ever wants it so I get a whole pizza to myself" he looked at me in all seriousness but then broke it with his laugh kicking in.

We finally heard our name being called and quickly collected the pizza from the lady and were on our way.

"Is it bad that I'm surprised that we haven't been mugged yet?" he said as soon as we got out of the restaurant.

"No, unless your saying that you want to get mugged" I looked up at him, he had grown in the past two years, he used to be short but puberty had left its mark and now he was towering over me.

"No.... well kind of, it would just be cool"

"How would getting mugged be cool"

"I don't know just the rush of it all"

"Your so wired"

"I know but that's what makes me so great to be around, I'm wired and wonderful al at the same time"

"And not to mention full of yourself"

"Not full of myself, just a little prominent"

"Aren't those the same thing"

"Basically, it just doesn't sound so bad if you say prominent" we laughed as we entered our apartment.

The moment we walked into the apartment we sat the pizzas down and un-paused the episode. we finished three more episodes and were just starting another when we heard the door opening and the moment the door opened Mike and Lola stepped through just as it came to the clapping part in the title song and of course they dropped their bags and books and we all clapped in time. Mike and Lola picked up their things and put them on the kitchen table then came and sat between Parka and I.

It didn't take long for Ruby to come home but she wasn't with Alex like she normally was,

"Where's Alex?" I said turning my body to face her.

"He had to stay and re-stock the bar" she placed her things on the kitchen counter and fell onto the single recliner,

"Couldn't someone else do it, he's been there all day" Lola spoke with confusion expressed on her face

"Apparently not, the others all left three hours ago" she said with a sigh

"Well that just stupid" I said, "is he getting extra?"

"Probably not, he volunteered to stay and help, I mean he was almost finished when I left so he should." she was cut off by the front door swinging open to reveal a very tired looking Alex.

"Hey" he spoke with a sarcastic tone.

"Hey" I replied

He grabbed a berry vodka out of the fridge,

"This is absolute shit, who even drinks this" he said holding it up for all of us to see

"Me" Lola sat up and took it from his hand and began sculling than sat back down

"Rough day" I spoke clearly judging how quickly she drank it

"Nah just a little parched" she laughed, she hadn't quite finished it when she placed it on the table and got up to start walking towards her room

"I'll be back I'm just going to get changed" she began walking I a quick pace to her room.

"Mkay" I replied not totally paying attention

About five minutes later she reappeared wearing a pair of black jeans with rips in the knees and a pull-over.

"Oh crap I forgot, I got to run an errand for work, I'll be back in a couple of hours" she picked up her vodka and sculled the rest of it,

that was the strange thing about Lola, whenever we would go out as a group she had a stern zero alcohol policy, but as soon as she could reach the fridge she would have some form of alcohol in her hand, she was awesome with shots but never got ridiculously drunk like the rest of us. Not all of us got drunk though, her and Mike always took care of us whenever we went out drinking, they would always walk us home if it was close or drive us in two lots, Lola would drive with two of us in the back and Mike would wait with the other two, then when she had got the first two home safely with a bottle of water, she would drive back and get the other two and Mike.

Lola and Mike were like the Parents of the group, they would always make sure we were all safe and ok, we all agreed they'd make a cute couple but no.

Lola had a boyfriend, she'd been with for 4 years, he was two years older than her which no one in our friendship group liked at first, especially the guys, they were very protective of us girls, but Elijah was sweet to Lola and wasn't an ass so we didn't mine anymore. Although Elijah was back in Connecticut, Lola and he still spoke every morning and every night, believe me.

And Mike was currently between girlfriends, he didn't really have an eye for spotting the right girl, he had a girlfriend for about a week when we first moved here, she lived two apartments over, she had long, black hair and was the type to wear near to nothing, in fact that's how he found her cheating on him, wearing little to nothing, if a bed sheet and another guy counts as something. But that like I said it only lasted a week.

Lola threw the bottle in the bin and headed for the door but was stopped by Ruby,

"Why the hell do you have to run an errand at ten o'clock at night"

"Because, I was supposed to do it earlier this morning but I had back to back classes and couldn't get out"

"Can't you do it in the mooring" I added

"Nope" and with that the door was slammed shut and she was gone.

We watched a couple more episodes until we eventually fell asleep.

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