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Daniella's POV-

I was headed for the door when Lola stopped me.

"hey" she said with a concerned tone to her voice.

"hey, what's up" I said hoping for the conversation not to drag on so I could get to Koby and I's first date.

"well" she began, I could just tell that it was going to be a long conversation.

"you're going on a date with Koby aren't you?"

"yeah" I smiled, she smiled back but not a convincing smile. "what's wrong?"

"it's just that, Parka seemed rather concerned last night don't you think?"

"yeah, he was over reacting"

"yeah but it seemed like he was genuinely concerned"

"yeah, they always are"

"maybe he cares about you more, maybe he REALY cares about you" she hinted as if I should know what she was on about.

"yeah, they all do"

"no, maybe he cares more than a friend"

"I don't..."

She cut me of

"oh my god, he likes you"

"what, no"

"yeah I think he does"

"well he doesn't"

"but what if he did?"

"well he doesn't and I have a date that I'm going to be late for if I don't leave "

"fine go, I'm just think about what I'm saying, if I am correct you need to be careful, Parka is fragile"

"I gotta go"

Why would she say that right then? This is the first date that I've actually felt something for. Lola had a boyfriend, she hardly ever saw him, but she had one, I didn't. why was she trying to ruin this for me by making me think about it? But the more I thought about it the more I realized how right she could be.

I sat down at the table across from Koby. He was perfect, before last night I would've thought that I could only be with someone like him in b=my dreams, so why was Parka on my mind?

"Dani?" Koby spoke in his perfect, rough but gentle tone.

"yeah?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"do you want to order?"

"oh yeah, what are you getting?"

"uh, I'll have the............"

"I'll grab the same"

"how stereotypical of you" he smirked, god he was hot

"not stereotypical, it just sounded good"

"you really are amazing you know?"

"thanks, I started singing when I was little"

"not just that, I mean yeah your voice is beyond incredible, but not only that, you're so beautiful, you have a fun personality, and that accent, I mean wow"

He was giving me goosebumps. He was saying all the right things but I still couldn't manage to get Para out of my thoughts.

"oh stop"

He smiled again "I mean all of that, I hope you realize"

"I do" I nodded than glanced out the window where I saw Parka. My eyes widened and I couldn't move. I just didn't want him to see me, or was it that I couldn't handle me seeing him. Probably. I ducked slightly hitting my head on the table.

"oh shit" I gasped holding my head

"are you ok, do we need to take you to the hospital?"

"no I don't think I need to go to the hospital, it's not that bad"

His eyes widened, "say that again"

"say what again?"



"that is awesome"

"are you making fun of m accent?" I attempted to raise an eyebrow, but when I couldn't he just laughed than held my head.

I than looked up to see Parka looking at us.

You never know-Parka & DaniellaWhere stories live. Discover now