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Daniella's POV-

We sat around and waited for about ten minuets waiting for Lola to come home. We finally herd the door opening and a pair of heels walk through.

"STEPH!" Lola began running awkwardly in her heels, which must have been three inches high, only to fall onto Steph.

"Hey Lola" they hugged before Lola attempted to get up.
When she was finally standing, we could properly see what she was wearing, a black thigh high dress along with a grey sweater.

"Uhh cute dress but I don't think the jumper goes" Steph laughed.

"You can have your jumper back now Mike" she smiled as she attempted to take the jumper off, her dress started to ride up and the three of us girls dove to hold it down. She than got the jumper stuck so mike was then attempting to gently pull it off. We herd the door open and in walked Alex.

"Ahh what ya doing guys?" He gave us all a confused and slightly horrified look.

"Trying to get my jumper off of Lola" Mike said as he was still attempting to pull the jumper of her.
Lola waved at Alex, but was told off by Mike for moving too much.

"Iet me try and help" Alex began to walk over to us" he than had one arm why'll Mike had the other.

We herd the door opening again, this time revelling Parka, at first he spotted me and gave me a reminder of the face I had seen him with this morning but than he took more notice as to what was happening in the middle of our apartment.

"What the hell are you all doing?" He slowly put his keys down than walked to us with his arms folded.

"Trying to get this stupid jumper of Lola" Alex added along with some interesting sound affects.

"And this task takes six people?"

"Yeah" Lola finally spoke. "Where the hell is this stupid thing even stuck?"

"I don't know, it doesn't seam to be stuck anywhere" Mike answered still struggling.

"Wait, hold on a minuet" Lola squirmed a little and as the jumper came off she slipped but was court by Mike. Ruby, Steph and I all looked at each other and smiled.
He was still holding her when Parka coughed.
They scrambled to stand next to each other.

"So why did you have Mikes jumper?" Steph said with a grin.

"He didn't want me out in the streets like this" she traced her body with her hands.

"Aww that's cute" Parka winked toward Mike.

"How is that cute?" Mike's eyes narrowed towards Parka.

"You didn't want her looking like a prostitute in public"

"Yeah, would you?" Mike added squinting at Parker.

"Well, I don't mind" Alex gave a once over of Lola than smirked. Ruby hit him in the back of the head.

"And you guys say that Koby's creepy" I rolled my eyes.

"Well he was, we're just saying..." He looked over at Alex, " Mike was just saying you should cover up and ah Alex was checking you out so there really isn't anything new in that"

"Well I going to get changed" Lola said slipping her heels of as she walked to her room.

"Ok but dress nice, we're going to go out for drinks" Steph called after her.


We all got changed and left with a trail of wolf whistles behind us.

"Do you guys need us to come so you know, nothing happens?" Alex called after us.

"I'm sure we'll be fine" ruby turned her head slightly and smirked at the boys who were now standing in the hallway of our apartment exit.

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