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Parkas POV-

"WAKE UP!" a voice violently yelled at me.

"What?" I sat up and began rubbing my eyes to see Daniella with her hands tightly gripping my arms.

"You're going to be late for your job" shaking me with each word.

"Do you mind?" referring to her gripping my shoulders, which she clearly didn't get the hint, because she continued to shake me with each word.

"No, you need to get up"

"I have an hour and a half to get ready"

"That's not enough time"

"Of course it is, all I have to do it put on a shirt and some pants and leave" she gave me daggers of insanity.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you look like shit, a shirt and some pants isn't all you need, you need a shower, and to do something with this" she said in referral to my hair which she was running her hand through.

"Fine, can you please get out so I can get to the shower?"

"Just be quick"

She left and I slowly moved toward the bathroom. The bathroom was an EnSite off the boy's room so it was good for the boys, not so much for the girls, of whom had to walk through the mess that was our room.

I turned the hot water on and quickly jumped in and out within ten minutes, I wasn't so sure why Dani was stressing so much, I got dressed with an hour to go so I just sat on the couch with Dani attacking me to leave.

The way to my interview flew, I grabbed a coffee and then continued on my commute. As soon as I walked in they put me to work straight away. It wasn't a fantastic job, a little boring but it paid well and it was better than the alternative, which included saying things like; "hi welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order" and "would you like fries with that". So I was copping.

Walking through the doors on my second day I saw Lola standing at the counter,

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked as I slipped my empty coffee cup into the bin.

"you're late" she said walking back through the double doors of which I had just entered through,

"I'm not la.... Oh, crap" I glanced at the clock on the wall, I was half an hour late.

"late on your second day" she nodded her head than began laughing.

"This isn't really the time to be laughing, I could lose my job, and its only my second day"

"Nah your boss is a friend of mine. I came around to check on you but when you weren't here I had a chat to her and everything is fine"

"Wait how do you know my boss?

"We met through my work"

"Which is...."

"Something I'm about to be late for, bye Parka"

"How do you always seem to avoid that question"


And with that she was gone and I was left to work.

I decided to work an extra hour due to being half an hour late. When I arrived home I found Dani sprawled out asleep on the couch. She seemed to be the only one home so I grabbed a blanket and put it across her but stopped when I heard a quiet 'nawww" coming from my room. I quickly turned to find Mike standing in our bedroom doorway.

"Shut up" I quickly hissed at him.

"that's sweet, you like her, don't you?" he added

"I was just doing a nice thing, why does there have to be a reason behind me doing something nice?"

"Because that's the sort of thing you do for a girlfriend not just any friend" he added extra emphasis to the 'girl' part.

"No its not, your reading into the situation"

"if you say so, but I'm just saying you wouldn't do that for any of the other girls"

"Yeah I would, I'm a nice guy"

"yeah your probably right, you would do that for the other girls, you just wouldn't do it with that look on your face"

"what look?"

"the 'I'm secretly in love with you and care about you' look" he attempted to mimic what I guess was 'the look' but just ended up looking like an idiot.

"1. That's not a look, and 2. I don't like Dani" I realized I was shouting when I saw Dani sitting up.

"oh hey Parka, how was your day?" she spoke with sarcasm as well as actual care, which wasn't a tone many people could do, but she pulled it off.

"peachy" I stormed off into my room slamming the door, not the most matures thing to do but what the hell. I wasn't mad I was embarrassed and tried to cover it up, just like the fact I was trying to cover up that I did like Daniella. I had since high school, I just hadn't ever told anyone. Partly because I thought it would go away and partly because I knew nothing would ever happen between the two of us. But non-the less, I liked her, a lot.

I laid on my bed and put on my music as loud as I could and put the earphones in.

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