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Parka's POV-

"What the hell are you doing here?" Parka glared towards her.

"I need to explain" Steph turned her head to look at me from behind Mike.

"Ok" my voice had a cold and emotionless tone to it.

Steph walked inside and sat on the lounge across from where I was about to sit.
The rest of the guys sat around us.

"I had no idea Dani, he never once said he had a girlfriend"

"Wait, how long has this been going on?" I leant forward.

"Since a week after I arrived, I met him in a music store I was passing"

"That long?"

"Not that it makes it any better, but it was nothing more than sex"

"You're right, that doesn't make it better"

"And I know that, but please you know I would never do anything like this to you, I walls never hurt you like this"

"I know you wouldn't, he's a dick" I got up and hugged her.

"You deserve to find someone so much better than him"

"I have" I smiled and turned to Parka.

"Really?" Steph began smiling, "We're good right?" She added.

"Of course" I laughed and hugged her again.

I felt Ruby and Lola join in then Mike and Parka joins in after Lola nagged them to.

"I feel like we haven't had a group hug in ages" I said with a slight sigh.

"Well it's not really a complete group hug, Alex isn't here" Ruby added.

The front door opened, and without a second thought we all walked over to the door still in a huddle, forcing Alex to join.

Things felt better now than they had fly for a while, we were all together and it felt like there was no drama, like we were friends, with the few exceptions of course.

We all sat on the couch, except for Lola who was pulling out menu pamphlets, she laid them out in a fan.

"So what do we all want?" She said with a smile.

"What do you think?" Mike said with a sarcastic tone.

"Pizza?" She said pulling her phone out to ring the pizza place.

"Hey, where's Elijah?" I added as soon as she got off the phone.

"Oh, um he had to go back for work" she said looking down at her lap.

"Are you ok?" I said, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"It''s fine, he just ahh didn't tell me until he was half way there" I could see tears begin to form in her eyes.

She quickly lent mer head back to stop them from falling. Lola hated people swing her cry, I'd only ever seen her cry maybe twice in all the years I had known her.

I hugged her, she let out a heavy breath then got up and ran to the bathroom.

I was contemplating going in after her but we all looked towards Mike, who was already half up to go follow her.


Mikes POV-

I walked through the boys bathroom and knocked softly on the door.

"Lola, I'm coming in" I said without hesitation, and opened the door.

Lola was standing over the small bathroom sink with the water running.

"Hey" she said as she wiped her face with a wet flannel.

"Lola" I sighed as I hugged her.

She gripped onto my arm almost as soon as I wrapped my arms around her.
She let out a cry, I expected her to pull back after a short time, but she didn't, she stayed in my arms.

I kissed her forehead as she slightly pulled away.
She took a breath in and smiled.

I grabbed the flannel and ran some more cold water over it, then rung out the exes water and gently sipped under her eyes.

"Thanks" she said sniffing.

"Hey it's what friends do" I replied placing the flannel back in the sink.

We walked out of the bathroom to find Parka and Dani gone, they must've gone to pick up the pizza.

Why'll waiting for them to get back we started searching for a movie to watch.
What felt like five hours later we finally decided in friends, it had kinda become our go to thing to watch when we were all together, kinda like our signature thing.

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