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Parkas POV-

I awoke to the sound of someone attempting to open the door. I slowly stumbled to the door and unlocked it. I opened the door to find Lola looking surprised to see me. She was wearing something completely different to what she had been wearing the night before, when she left for her secret job last night she had on a black dress with flat boots, but now she was wearing a black skirt, black stockings, a crop top, a jacket with knee high boots.

"Secret work costume change?" I only meant it as a sarcastic and rhetorical comment, but she was now looking at me as if she were trying to come up with an intercut reason as to why she had changed.

"I...I work.... Um," she stumbled with her words

"Lola?" Mike sat up rubbing his eyes, "the hell are you wearing"

"Nothing, and if you wouldn't mind I'd like to get something on, so if you could be so kind as to get out of the door way, that would be much obliged" she looked at me with one eyebrow raised and then turned to Mike who was still looking at her.

I moved out of her way and closed the door behind her. I heard her trying to run quietly into her bedroom, which was made difficult by her loud heels.

"Do we even have food in this place?" Alex moved from the fridge to the pantry then back to the fridge.

"Are you cooking?" Daniella appeared in the kitchen beside me.

"like hell, do you want to die Dani" I gave her a glance but then turned back to Alex "there has to be something"

"Just wait for Lola to get out of the shower" ruby yelled from the doorframe of her bedroom "she'll probably make something"

"Um do I not get a say?" yells came from the shower

"Nope" Mike yelled back at her from the couch "unless you want to live in an apartment with a pack of starving wolves?"

"Not particularly, no" Lola yelled back.

"Well then, hurry the hell up" I screamed out of hunger

We waited all huddled around the kitchen bench waiting for Lola to be done.

"Plates!" she demanded

We all held out our plates as she put the waffles on each plate. We all sat around the table eating like we hadn't seen food for a month.

"I forgot to tell you guys, I found a job" I finally announced. I had heard back about the job I applied for yesterday and I hadn't told anyone yet, not even Daniella. In the past few weeks I had become closer to Daniella than anyone else, even Mike and Alex. Daniella and I spent the most time alone together due to me not having a job and her only working a few nights a week.

"Really, where?" Alex was now shoveling another piece of waffle into his mouth.

"A clothing and costume store" I said with a small look of disgust.

"When do you start?" Dani asked

"Tomorrow, it's kind of like a trial run, to see if I can do everything they need me to"

"Well now we all have jobs, speaking of jobs, Lola?" Alex turned his head slowly toward her.

"Yes" she replied with a sweet tone.

"When are we going to learn what your secret night time occupation is?" Alex continued

"What it's not secret"

"Really?" I said "is that why no one knows what it is"

"I just haven't gotten around to telling you guys yet, it's not a big deal"

"Ok then, why don't you explain to us your interesting outfit change from this morning, now?"

"I would love to but unfortunately I have a class starting in half an hour, so I got to go." And once again, she was threw the door before any of us could speed another word.

"Anyway, congratulations on the new job Parka" Dani turned her head from the door to me

"Thanks" I said removing my gaze from the door

"This means we won't have as much quality time together." Dani said with a little remorse but also a tad of sarcasm.

"I guess not" I shrugged and ate another price of the waffle.

"Don't sound too sad" she laughed.

"I'm not" I tried to stop the truth from coming out, I secretly loved spending time alone with Dani, to be honest they were some of the best moments of my day.

"Well thanks" she rolled her eyes but then quickly returned them to looking at me.

"I'm kidding, I may not even get too keep the job, if I don't impress them"

"You'll be fine" Ruby chirped in

"Yeah, why wouldn't they hire you permanently?" Mike added

"Uhhh the same reason all the other places didn't" the room went silent

"Well their loss, good for you Parka" Alex finally spoke after downing about half a dozen waffles.

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