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Parka's POV-

The sunlight peered through the opening in the blinds and court the features on Daniella's face.

My arm was still wrapped around her body. She stirred a little than yawned and turned to face me.

"Morning" she smiled with her eyes still shut.

"Do you want some coffee?" I asked stroking her cheek.

"Nah, I'll have a hot chocolate though"

Dani had this thing about not drinking anything with a lot of caffein in it. We all think it comes from her parents never letting her drink coffee or tea when she used to live with them. When we moved into the apartment we all tried to convince her to at least try some, but she said that her mother probably had a camera set up watching her.
Dani was so cutely innocent, that was another thing I loved about her, I mean she had her dirty moments but then she had her moments when either Lola or Ruby had to explain things to her. But it made her a million times more adorable.

"Sure" I laughed.

I lifted my arm from around her and pulled the sheet back over to cover her as I got up.

I walked out into to the kitchen/lounge surprisingly to find Mike, Ruby and Lola sitting on the couch.
As soon as I shut the door they all turned and gave me smug smiles.

Lola and Ruby's faces lit up and Mike gave me that "well don't mate" look.

I rolled my eyes.

Walking over to the cupboard to get a mug for Dani, I was stopped by Mike,

"Soo??" He nudged my arm.


"Really" he looked shocked.


"Well then what happened?"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lola jump onto the kitchen bench right beside me.
Ruby joined her as they both leaned in.

"Really?" I turned towards them.

"Yeah" Ruby said giving a confused look, as if I shouldn't be supposed that this would be a almost whole house conversation, I wasn't.

"Well, we were talking and then we kissed, and then we slept" I smiled turning to flick the switch to turn the kettle on.

"I'm proud of you" Mike said patting me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, it's not as interesting as we were all hoping but.." Ruby gave a sarcastic smile then laughed.

"But it's cute" Lola added, leaning her head into Ruby's shoulder sighing.

"Whatever" I began filling the cup when Ruby and Lola pounced of the bench and over to the guys bedroom door.

"Eeeepppppp" they both screamed in unison as they hugged Dani.

"Women!" She said attempting to push them away.

They stepped back and smiled.

"Shesh" she sarcastically rolled her eyes. She wasn't fantastic at rolling her eyes, but again, it was cute whenever she tried.

"Here" I slight chuckled handing her the mug.

"Thanks" Dani said wrapping her hands around it.

"Seriously?" I heard Lola say behind me.

"What?" I turned my head.

"No cute little kiss?"

"Yeah, she's right" Ruby added.

I turned to Mike who was nodding his head in agreeance.

"Fine" I sighed.

I leant toward Dani and kissed her on the forehead.

"Happy?" I looked at them.

"It will do" Lola said slumping back onto the couch.

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll grab it" Mike said already walking toward the door.

He opened the door to a very distressed looking Steph.

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