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Parkas POV-

Since the girls left, we had the house all to ourselves, we could do anything we wanted. Which wasn't really that different from what we normally did when the girls WERE here.
We all had a pretty open friendship, there were only a few areas that were out of bounds to talk about, I mean there was things that they didn't want to know about us and things we sure as hell didn't want to know about them.
Ok maybe we got a tad bit curious, and we would ask and they would answer, than we would regret ever asking.

But considering we were completely and utterly alone we just played video games and than the topic just had to be brought up.

"So ahh, Mike?" I put my controller down and turned to face him, a grin spread across my face.

"What?" He said still looking at the screen.

"That was cute back there with Lola" I was still looking at him, the grin growing by the second.

"What me lending her my jumper?" He raised his eyebrow and slightly turned to face me.

"Yeah that, but also when you court her from falling"

"Yeah, you guys stayed there for ages, just gazing into one-another's eyes" Alex put his controller down.

Mike glared sarcastically at us than turned back to the game.

"Yeah well...Uhhh..I don't know anymore" me said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Know about what?" I squinted toward him.

"Lola" he looked me square in the face.

"What do you mean?" Alex said grabbing the bowel of chips from behind him.

"Well, you know, she's with Elijah and I cannot compete with an older guy sees been with for years" he sighed than finally put his controller down and turned towards us.

"Yeah true" I frowned and looked down.

"Sure he's older, but you've known her for longer" Alex said with a mouthful of chips.

"We've been friends for longer, nothing more" Mike leaned back into the couch.

"We wouldn't be having this conversation if you had just maned up in high school and told her" Alex retorted.

"What?" Mike said snapping back up.

"Oh come on, we all knew you liked her in high school, she liked you too, it was just you two that couldn't see it" Alex added.

"It's true, she would've said yes straight away, but you took too long and now she's with..." I was cut off by a knock at the door.

Mike jumped up and went to answer it.

"Coming!" He yelled as he walked to the door.

All the sudden standing in our doorway was Elijah.

You never know-Parka & DaniellaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon