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Parkas POV-

I walked out of my room to see Lola and Mike watching TV.
Seriously, how the hell were they doing this.
I attempted to sit between the two of them, which was an effort considering how close they were.
I wriggled around on the seat trying to make room, when I noticed they were both looking at me.

"Well?" "What did you expect me to do?"

"Parka, we own two couches plus a single recliner" Lola motioned to the other lounge.

" had to sit right between us?" Mike raised his eyebrow.

"Yes, I wanted to be close to you guys" I said as I rapped my arm around them and pulled them in closer to me.

They lust rolled there eyes and smiled.

"What's the time?" Mike asked looking to Lola.

Lola struggled as she reached for her phone.

"5:59" she threw her phone aside.

"We should order pizza" i quickly stood up causing the two of them to fall on to each other.

They laughed it off than sat back up.

"Sure" Lola said checking her phone.

"What?" Mike said looking at her.

"Nothing, just, don't you think that Dani should be home by now?" She looked at her phone again.

"Wasn't she only going for lunch?" Mike looked toward me.

"How should I know, but what about Ruby and Alex?" I said trying to change the subject off of Dani.

"I think Ruby said something about late shifts" Lola responded, still looking at her phone.

"Ok well, where's Steph?" Mike said.

"That I don't know" Lola tilted her head toward us.

"I'm sure she can take care of her self" Mike added.

"I'll message her just to check in" Lola said as she re-opened her phone.

I wandered back to the couch and un-paused the TV.

"Is it weird that I like it when it's just us three?" Lola said.

"Nah, don't get me wrong, I love being in a house with all of my friends, but it can get a little crowded, it is nice when there are less people" Mike replied.

"Never thought that I'd say this, but I enjoy hanging out with you Lola" I said with a smile.

"Well thanks" she laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"No seriously, when I first met you I thought, what a sassy little bitch" she sarcastically rolled her eyes than laughed it off.

"When I first saw you, I don't know, it's too long ago to remember" Mike added.

"Oh god, when I first met the two of you, I'm not sure exactly what I thought but it was probably something along the lines of, for Parka, what drugs is this guy on and for Mike, I don't know, like you say it was a long time ago" she smiled as she looked at Mike.

"We make a nice little crew" I said pulling the two back in closer to me.

They just rolled there eyes and went back to watching the TV.

"I guess we do" Lola said after a while.

"Yeah" Mike chuckled.

Mike and I were never really close to Lola in high school, she was always kinda tagging along with Steph.
But when we moved into the apartment we all started having a little more time together and it seamed like she was more comfortable around us.
She fitted right in, it was like when Alex wasn't with us, she was, and it worked.
We were all now closer than ever, I mean they were both leant against me, and you cannot get closer than that.

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