Chapter 10

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I woke up and instantly put my hands behind me expecting to feel Liam’s face. Instead I only felt the leather couch. I didn’t know what to think of this and stood up in a panic.


“Calm down, Ellia.”I looked behind me to see the blonde boy I know as Liam. He was standing in the kitchen.

I looked at the table next to him. “What are you doing?”

“You’ve cooked breakfast for me so I thought I should do it for you.” Liam gave me a look filled with sincerity.

“The last time you got near a stove your house caught fire.” I walked up behind him and started to untie the apron from around his back. “You should leave the cooking to me.”

“Wait.” He protested before I could fully undo the apron. “It says ‘kiss the cook’.” Liam pointed to the text on the front.

“I don’t even use an apron. Did you dig this out of storage or something?” Liam looked away embarrassed.

“Well... yeah. I needed one that says ‘kiss the cook’.”  

“You’re pathetic, you know that?” I told him softly. Liam ran his fingers through his hair. I tilted his head towards me with my finger, and kissed him. “Really, really pathetic.” He smiled at me then looked back at the stove. “What are you making anyway?” I questioned.

“Um... I’m heating up frozen pizza.”

I stared at him for a few moments. “And you needed an apron for that?” This time he let me reach around him and fully untie it.

“Do you have orange juice?” Liam wondered after opening the fridge.

“No, I don’t think so,” I responded. “We’ll have to go to the store and get some.”

“But, breakfast-”

“As tasty as half frozen pizza looks, it’ll have to wait.” I said walking towards the door. I slipped on my shoes.

“Can’t we get it later?”

“No. You have now made me want orange juice.”

“Fine.” Liam walked over, slipped on his shoes, and grabbed the keys. “Off to the store then.” We both climbed into the car.

“Maybe while we’re there, you can get a better apron.” I suggested.

“What’s wrong with the one I had on? I liked it.” Liam said. I gave him a look. “I’ll look at the other aprons.” He turned his head down in defeat.  

Once at the store, I grabbed a basket and headed straight for the refrigerated section. It didn’t take long for me to find the orange juice (and Liam the apron). We walked out of the store when Liam just remembered something.

“I think I dropped the keys in one of the aisles. You just go back to the car I will only be a minute.” Liam started to walk away then hurried back to give me a quick kiss. I turned around, blushing, and walked back to the car. Just as I did, two people came up to me. Both men who looked older than me.

“Excuse me.” I politely said to them.

“Give us your purse!” One of them demanded  pointing to my white handbag. My heart started racing. Could this be what Alfie saw? I needed Liam. Where was he? I turned around and started for the entrance to the grocery store, but they each grabbed me by an arm. I screamed as loud as I could. My scream was muffled by what I thought was a jacket over my mouth. I kicked in every direction as hard as I could, but it wasn’t working. Just as my blurred vision readjusted I saw Liam running towards me, the mix of anger and fear painted on his face.

“Put her down!” Liam demanded. One of them let go and pushed Liam square in the chest. The other one held onto my arms. I got lifted even higher up so my feet didn’t touch the ground. “Ellia!” Liam was now purely angry. He punched the man who shoved him. He didn’t look hurt, more like surprised. By then a bystander had called the police and they arrived right in front of us. The man who picked me up dropped me and made a run for it. My head hit the concrete. I reached up to see if I was bleeding. Thankfully, I wasn’t.

Liam ran to my side and tears dripped down from his face onto mine. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you. I promised I’d protect you, Ellia.” His was crying so hard his words started to run together. “I wanted to. I really did.”

My head was pounding  too much for me to respond or move much. Liam picked me up bridal style and carried me over to the police officers. One of the officers was shoving one of the two men into the back of the squad car. I could barely focus, but I could just make out two figures in the backseat. I heard a muffled Liam ask the police to call an ambulance for me. I couldn’t make out what the officer said, but I figured what happened next. Liam carried me over to a bench in front of the grocery store and set me down on it. The next thing I knew I was in a hospital bed.

Thanks again to... you guessed it... Aly

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