Chapter 3

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I sat in my red BMW contemplating my options: stay at the library or go home. Before I could make my decision I heard a tap to my left. Liam. I pressed the button to roll down the window.

"Hey, Ellia." I waited for him to say something else. "How's that book my grandma gave you." Liam said, noticing me holding it.

I lifted it to my face. "It's very... Iteresting."

He nodded. "Care to tell me what it's about?" Liam squatted down next to my car, it must have been more comfortable that way.

I wasn't going to tell him about the character with my name. "It's about a boy who's parents died at a young age. He lives with his grandparents now." I leaned back into my seat. "It's really good."

Liam raised his eyebrows. "What's this boy's name?"

I had to check the back of the book before answering. "George Pierce."

He gave me the same look I had not one minute ago in the library. "Hm, that's my name."

"What?! Your name is Liam Whitt!"

His eyes squinted. "No, I don't have the same surname as my grandma. And I go by my middle name: Liam. Also I was taken under by my grandparents at a young age." My face was blank. I told him how another character had remarkable simalarities to myself. "This is too strange, come with me." I opened my car door and removed the keys from the ignition.

Back in the library we sat at a computer. The library's computer, why didn't I think of that? Liam sat in the blue metal chair while I leaned over him with one hand on the desk. 'Alfie Tailer'. He typed swiftly. The first thing that popped up was We clicked on the website. The man was fourty one, older than me by about twenty years. On the home page was a picture of the author: His hair was a light brown (but darker than mine) and looked awfully shaggy and uncut. He hadn't looked like he shaved for more than a week. His eyes were the most captivating part of his features; they were a shining emerald green.

"This guy seems suspicious." Liam stated raising an eyebrow. "Do you think we should go check him out?"

I took control of the mouse and scrolled down a bit. The website said that Alfie is a teacher at Hollis Middle School. "Yes," I pointed to the picture of the school on the monitor. "He works here and school hours are still going on." It's 2:30. "But we'd have to hurry.

Liam started to stand up. "I'll drive."

Edited by: Aly

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