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jungkook's POV

as i arrived home, i greet my mother who is sewing in the living room.

"hi eomma."

my mom smiled, still looking at the sewing machine.

"hi dear."

then, i went to the kitchen to drink some milk. after that, i went upstairs to my room.

i changed my clothes then i sat on my bed.

if wohee is recovering, that is a great news.

i thought, forming a smile on my lip.

then i took out the notebook again, the one i wrote about wohee. i decided to give a name to the notebook.

"kim wohee."

thats what im going to call the book. i wrote wohee's name in front of the book and decorated it with doodles. and below wohee's name at the notebook, i wrote my name, telling that i am the writer.

then, i opened the book and as usual, i started to write.

16th of March
so, i went to wohee's house to meet jin. but, wohee was the one who opened the door, im pretty sure she doesn't remember me. so, she let me in and made me tea, the tea was amazing. she introduced  herself again and reached out her hand to shake hands with me, like she did on the very first time we talked. when i shook her hand, she was shocked and immediately pulled back her hand. and she had a headache, i was worried. and i also find out that wohee doesn't know that she had amnesia.

but then, jin hyung told me that she might be recovering. im glad to hear that. i hope she is recovering. i confirmed to myself that i had developed myself a feeling towards her. :)


after that, i took my phone and made a groupchat with suga and taetae hyung.


{jungkook added taetae hyung to the groupchat}

{jungkook added suga hyung to the groupchat}

hello hyungs :")

taetae hyung

suga hyung
what's this group for?

i wanted to tell you that wohee might be recovering.

taetae hyung

suga hyung

she might get her memories back! her brother met her doctor today and that's what the doctor said.

suga hyung
wow, good for you.

taetae hyung
really? that means you got a chance kook! make her fall in love with you! xD

hahahah whut. i'll pretend i didn't read your message taetae hyung.

and i also find out that wohee doesn't know that she had amnesia.

suga hyung
im sure seokjin will tell her soon.

hmm idk.

suga hyung
alright u guys, gtg. see u soon.

okay hyung

taetae hyung
kook loves w_h_e


taetae hyung


taetae hyung

bye hyung

taetae hyung
shy shy shy xD


i rolled my eyes while scoffing jokingly after reading taehyung hyung's text. i can't help but to smile. wow what did you do to me kim wohee?

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