Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

H/S - Hair Style

After Joe uploaded his vlog the next day after he got home, I immediately scrolled down to the comments, nervous as to what people's reactions will be on me and Joe. Most of the floods of comments are about our short announcement and to my surprise most of them being positive which completely cancels out the small amount of negative ones. To be honest, I'm quite used to hate anyway being a YouTuber myself and at first it killed me, that people disliked me when they barely knew a thing about me but soon I didn't care anymore, I became numb to it. With all the positive ones outshining the others it makes them more humorous than upsetting. Noticing my phone vibrating in my pocket, I pull it out to answer to Jackie, smiling.

"Hey, you okay?" I greet her, pushing my laptop aside giving the phone conversation full attention.

"I'm great, do you want to go out shopping?" I grin, knowing already that this'll be a hectic day with Jackie's obsession with shopping and her overspending issues.

"You sure that's a good idea?" I giggle, thinking back to our previous shopping trips which haven't always turned out as planned. One time, Jackie got us kicked out of a shop for her apparently being too aggressive with the shop assistant when she demanded a discount for some reason I can't remember. And then another time, she got into an actual fight for the last jumper dress she was supposedly in love with, with another customer. I guess you could say she's passionate.

"Come on! We haven't done it in so long." I sigh, knowing that she is right and to be honest, I could do with some new clothes.

"Alright." I give in, laughing at her sudden 'yes!' like young children do when they're allowed to have something or do something.

"Meet you at yours in an hour, I'll drive us?"

"Sure, bye." I smile, hanging up and going into my bedroom, sitting in front of the large mirror against the wall opposite my bed. And as I'm not feeling too lazy today I decide to apply a small amount of makeup and do something with my hair, doing H/S. When I think I look presentable I bounce up and go out to my bag, putting my phone and keys in there along with the rest of the stuff belonging in there. Soon enough, Jackie's here with her energetic and positive attitude, most likely because we're doing one of her favourite things to ever exist.

"Where to?" I ask, giggling as we begin to drive.

An hour in and Jackie has already spent over one hundred and we're still in the first place. I simply bought myself two pairs of jeans and a black loose t-shirt though, I'm not as crazy as her.

"Y/N!" I hear Jackie call from the other side of the shop quite loudly getting many people's attention, I giggle jogging over to her only to find her holding out a black short dress with lace long sleeves. "You have to try this on!"

"I don't know, dresses aren't really my thing.." I say, looking the dress up and down; admittedly the dress is beautiful but I don't know when I'd ever wear it, it's not like my life is eventful.

"I don't care, you're trying it on." She says, completely ignoring my previous comment pushing me back to the changing rooms and actually placing me in one of them, throwing the dress at me and closing the door. I open it, staring at her but she just pushes me back in and holds the door shut this time. "I'm not opening until I know you're wearing it." She says through the door, loud enough for me to hear. I roll my eyes, taking the dress from its hanger and pulling it on over my head, looking into the grand looking mirror up on the wall actually liking what I see. The dress is really beautiful and somehow I feel confident in it, almost as if it reflects its beauty onto me. Sighing, I straighten it out before calling out to her, telling her it's on and in return getting the door opened revealing a wide-eyed Jackie. "Y/N, you look absolutely stunning! I refuse to leave unless you've bought it." She says a lot more seriously making me chuckle.

"Well lucky for you, I'm getting it." I grin, closing the door again before redressing myself and taking the dress out with me.

After a long day of shopping and Jackie dragging me around we finally slump down onto my sofa, completely exhausted.

"Thank you for forcing me to buy the dress." I smile, turning to face her, not really wanting to move however at how tired I am and it's only seven!

"No problem." She smiles proudly, her eyes closed. And that's the end of our conversation as we both doze off, completely unaware.

Third update today, although I don't know if it counts as it's 12:32am now... Anyway I hope you enjoyed :D

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