Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

My mum, dad, Jackie and I all sit silently eating our Christmas dinner. I've barely had a conversation with my parents since I got here, Christmas dinners are supposed to be joyful and chatty. Our ones however are like this.

"How's this YouTube thing going then?" My mum asks, my head snapping up with confusion at how my mum is asking about my life though I already know she doesn't agree with my choice in career. She's never got what YouTube is about, thinks it was pointless.

"It's going great." I smile weakly, slowly chewing on my food, looking over to her staring at me from the other side of the table.

"You know, I really didn't think it would go great." She tells me with her smug look she always seems to have plastered on her face. I nod my head, knowing that already as she has told me several times before. Really, I would like to just stand up and shout at her, tell her how mad and upset at I am at how much she has doubted me. But, I stay quiet, there's no need to make a big deal out of it.

"Her videos are really funny, you should give them a go mum and dad." Jackie suddenly says with a grin across her face, I look at her, wide-eyed. I could never imagine my parents watching my videos, they'd look down on me more than they already do. They've never been ones for humour.

"I'm not sure, I don't know if I'm up for watching someone talking to a camera." My dad laughs which just hurts me further. Everyone stays silent at this, Jackie in too much shock to pipe up with something else. The meal soon ends however, with a constant silence and we all depart from the table. Jackie and I both go to my room where we sit on my bed; relieved that meal was over.

"Thank you for earlier." I smile, turning around propping myself up with my arm.

"Well what I said was true."

"I have an idea!" I suddenly come out with, the idea of creating something up to get out of here early just so we can escape the awkward silences and hurtful comments. Jackie nods her head in order for me to go on, "how about we say our friend has been in a small accident and needs us."

"What friend?" She giggles, shaking her head.

"Sam!" I smile, that being the first name popping up in my head.

"We know a Sam?"

"No, silly! We lie, they barely know anything about us anyway and to be honest, do you think they're going to question us?" I ask, speaking truthfully knowing full well they won't because they don't have any interest in us. I don't even know why they invite us to occasions like this.

"Right! Come on then." She smiles, bouncing off the bed and rushing to the room opposite which is hers pulling out her still packed suitcase which makes me look at mine which is the same. Getting up, I fix the bed before pulling my suitcase which me and slowly taking it down the stairs. We search the multiple rooms downstairs, find them both in the living room, of course not looking up when we walk in.

"Our friend, Sam, has been in a small accident and needs us so we have to leave early." I frown, noticing both of their eyes now on me. The frown is very fake however but enough to convince them.

"Very well." My dad smiles, coming over and hugging me for a second before moving over to Jackie and doing the same. The hug was more like I was a disgusting creature he'd prefer not to touch. My mum sighs, getting up unwillingly and doing the same.

"Goodbye then, merry Christmas." I smile before turning and leaving. Jackie saying her goodbyes too and following me out.

"It worked!" She cheers, hugging me whilst she puts her stuff in her car as I do the same.

"Told you," I smile. "How about we meet at mine tomorrow, I have to go see someone today though." Remembering Joe's offer, smiling at how I'll actually be able to see him on Christmas now.

"Of course, see you tomorrow. Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas." I smile, climbing into my car and beginning my drive to Joe.

Knocking on the door to the house Joe told me his dad lived at a while ago, Joe soon answers, a smile appearing on his face when I come into view.

"Merry Christmas!" I cheer, kissing him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You came! I thought it wasn't going to work?" He giggles, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me close.

"I thought of something." I grin, he looks at me curiously before shaking his head and giggling.

"Come in." He smiles, closing the door behind me and taking me through to the living room where everyone is sat.

"Hey, Y/N." Joe's dad smiles, getting Zoe's attention. She turns to see me standing hand in hand with Joe before rushing over to me giving me a warm hug.

"I'm so happy you're here!"

"Me too." I smile.

And the rest of the day continued to be the best Christmas's I've ever had.

Last year Joe vlogged him at his dad's a few days before Christmas and I know he didn't actually stay there on the day but for the story we'll pretend he has, I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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