"Can you just talk? Just talk and... I don't know... Keep me from getting lost in my thoughts, can you do that?" I rambled.

His facial expression shifts to concern, "what should I talk about?"

I blinked, "you."

"I'm not want to brag about myself," he jokes.

I thinly smiled, "no Harry, like I want to know your life, you. Not what you portray the world."

"Is that what you've been thinking about?"

"No... More like myself but I just want to know what other people hide behind their masks too, to make me feel better. Is that selfish?"

"Sure, but I don't think in a bad way..."

"Isn't selfish bad in general?"

He ponders for a moment, "no, I don't think so..." He sighs, "so about myself?"

"Yeah... Anything."

"Well... I like to eat bananas?"

I bursted out laughing, "seriously?"

"I don't know what to say?"

I recollected myself and spoke again, "like, tell me things you remembered. Like memories of your childhood, memories of people that once roamed in your life. People that roam your life now. Things you want to forget but can't, or memories that are just there and are filling the void in conscience mind."

He stares at me, "are you sure what you want to hear all that?"

"I want to know you."

"I feel like you know me, more than I know myself," he admits.

"Well you're like this giant mystery, there's more for me to want to know."

He nods and starts of slowly by saying, "I remember my first day of school. There was this girl I was fond of, I told her that I fancied her... All the kids found out and teased me." He chuckles, "it wasn't exactly a great day, but silly to think even young children were so capable of ruining someone in am instant."

"That's society for you," I agreed.

"Mmm I also remembered my first kiss, I kissed her against a tree near this river in my town. She sneezed on me during the kiss and we never spoke again," he chuckles again, at the memory.

"Anything besides girls?" I questioned.


"No," I retort. "But I'd rather not hear about your previous love lives."

"Alright, alright... Well I remember when I ran away from home at 17, I had gotten some news I didn't want to hear and I ran away... I don't remember where I went, I just remember it being cold, and I was mad at the at world," he trails off.

"What was the news?" I was being too damn nosy.

He didn't seem to mind as he emotionlessly says, "my mum and sister were killed in a crash. My step dad told me, and I ran away." I don't say anything as I stared at him, I can see the memories fill his misty green eyes, "I never got along with my sister, and I argued with my mum a lot... I was a troubled kid in school, and I was a troubled kid at home. I always felt it was my fault that happened."

"What did you do after you ran away?" I asked, hoping to switch past the clearly pained memory.

"I was mainly couch hopping between friends and friends of my friends... I got into drugs and finding ways to gain money and well that led to as you can guess, drug dealing... I was a nomad, I moved where the money went. I was good at the game, and the drug lord who's drugs I sold offered me a job in the states.

I was confused being now around 18, I was a the top of all the dealers. The drug lord basically took me under his wings and showed me the ropes of the game. He was murdered for getting in some risky deal with a mafia leader, and next thing led to another I took over, but I wasn't just selling drugs, I sold anything a criminal would desire. I was now in the mafia game and well here we are, aren't we?"

I didn't realize how much more similar our stories were but yet they were completely different in their own ways.

"I guess so..." I nodded.

"I think everything bad happens for a reason right?" He smiles.

I shrugged, "I mean yeah, depending on the standards of course."

"I think this is a pretty good standard," his eyes hover at me.

I smiled softly, "I guess so."

We were both mad, but I guess we found a madness where we both were finally comfortable with. Each other.

I decided to finally add a little about  Harry since he has been a huge mystery throughout the story.

It' was another slow chapter but I felt this was a necessary one.

So please leave your comments and vote!

Love you all,

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