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Zayn looked between Louis and I, in complete utter disbelief, "he's what?"

"...dead," Louis trailed.

"Louis we were supposed to make sure everyone is alive!" Zayn starts shouting.

"The room went dark Zayn! I couldn't see for shit, I was told to grab Julia. You don't think I didn't want to go back for Niall?" Louis raises his voice and then quiets.

Zayn looks at me, and hands me a blanket to cover myself. I was still traumatized seeing Niall's lifeless body, and I don't say a thing. He sighs and glances back up at Louis, "where's Harry?" His name made me stiffen and now I looked at Louis with caution.

"Austin grabbed him," Louis answers. "But I don't know if they made it out or not, like I said I was told to grab Julia and run out of there."

My body starts shaking again, thinking if Harry and Austin didn't make it, and a flash of thought of now Harry's lifeless body. I start panicking again, and Zayn grabs my hand and pulls me towards his attention, "Julia, you need to calm down." I now started to realize my surroundings, and we were in a moving van, someone was driving the wheel and speeding down the streets.

Louis touched my arms as I jump in response, he stares at them, "shit, what did they do to you?"

I opened my mouth, in a deep cracked tone I say, "what didn't they do to me." Louis and Zayn stay quiet, I continued to say, "but Harry is in a worst state than me."

"Don't worry, we'll go somewhere to get you checked out," Zayn mumbles at me.

The rest of the car ride was silent, I could feel Louis glancing at my state of being, and Zayn I could feel was upset. I felt as though I didn't have a single emotion, I felt lifeless. Then I keep having sudden flashes of Niall's body and I close my eyes to prevent any show of emotion.

"Have you slept?" Louis asks.

"More like being unconscious," I stated.

Louis and Zayn felt it was best to give me some space until we got to our location. I grew weary, and I realized the massive migraine that sprang in my head, I closed my eyes in hope of arrival and it was answered as the van was pulled to a stop.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Zayn looks at me with a sympathetic look. I merely nod, and he lifts me up and Louis opens the door. The cool air hit my face and I burrowed my face under the blanket.

The building we were at was rather nice, it almost seemed hotel like, I didn't want to question anything, inside was just as spectacular.

"I'll take you to get checked for your injuries," Zayn keeps his attention towards the hallways.

I was carried to an area that definitely looked like a hospital, Zayn calls over what seems like a nurse. The lady looks at me and points to a room where I can be set in, the room was what you expected to be, a hospital room. Zayn sets me down on the bed and sits down on the chair next to the bed.

"Where is she?" I heard yelling outside and the door flung open to have Jade look at me and run towards me, "oh my god Julia! You're okay! God, what did they do to you?"

"Jade, not right now," Zayn mutters.

She looks at Zayn, "excuse me but I was worried sick for her, don't you think I can be overly dramatic?"

"Well not right now," Zayn snaps.

She crosses her arms, "what's up your ass?"

"Niall's dead," I whispered.

She drops her arms and looks at me and back at Zayn in disbelief, "what?"

"He was shot down when we were retrieving Julia and Harry," Zayn explains.

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